
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanghongtao3446
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实行厂长负责制以来,我深深地感到,作为厂长,要善于通过自己的工作去完善新体制,用好手中的权力。我经常用“三不”、“三确立”告诫自己:一是不搞个人说了算,确立厂长和书记都是车辆段领导的思想。每周一次的行政碰头会,都请党、政、工、团领导同志参加。日常工作中遇有重大问题时,我都及时和党委书记通气。防止厂长在决策中的随意性。二是不认为行政管理是万能的,确立政治工作是一切经济工作生命线的观点。前几年,党的领导和思想政治工作受到了削弱,甚至于做思想政治工作的同志受到了非议,这些情况在我段也有表现。针对个别行政干部流露出忽视思想政治工作的倾向,我多次在行政干部会上强调:没有思想政治工作,就没有我们现在这么好的生产形势。三是不轻视政工干部,确立政工干部、行政干部都是我们党的干部的思想。我段的政工干部不计名,不计利,在大气候不利的情况下,顽强地工作,我从心眼里敬佩。政工干部、行政干部都是党的干部,我们对政工干部、行政干部在奖金分配、工作等方面做到一视同仁。如何从制度上发挥企业党组织政治优势,是我一直在思考的问题。通过学习中央1989年七号、九 Since the implementation of director responsibility system, I deeply feel that as a director, we must be good at using our own work to perfect the new system and make the best use of our power. I often use the “three noes” and “three establishments” to remind myself: First, do not engage in personal decisions, the establishment of plant managers and secretary are thinking of the leadership of the depot. The weekly executive meeting will invite the leaders of the party, government, workers ’and workers’ federations to attend. In case of major problems encountered in daily work, I promptly communicated with party secretaries. Prevent plant managers from making arbitrary decisions. Second, do not think that administration is omnipotent, and establishing political work is the point of view of all lifelines of economic work. A few years ago, the party’s leadership and ideological and political work were weakened, and even comrades who did ideological and political work were criticized. These situations have also manifested themselves in my paragraph. In light of the tendency of some administrative cadres to neglect their ideological and political work, I have repeatedly emphasized at the administrative cadres’ conference that without such ideological and political work, we can not have such a good production situation as we are now. Third, we should not underestimate the political cadres and establish that the political cadres and administrative cadres should all be the ideology of our party’s cadres. My section of political cadres do not count on names, do not count profits, in adverse weather conditions, tenacious work, I admire from the heart. Political and military cadres and administrative cadres are all cadres of the party. We treat politicians, cadres and administrative cadres equally in bonus distribution and work. How to give full play to the political advantages of the party organizations in the system is a problem that I have been thinking about. By studying the Central Committee on July 7, 1989
1 病例资料 例1,女,78岁,因反复咳嗽伴气喘十余年,再发10d入院。查体:P98,R22,BP13.3/8 kPa。诊断:喘息型慢性支气管炎急性发作期。入院当晚滴入氨苄青霉素(氨苄)后哮喘加重
英国布里斯托尔大学的研究人员对12000名儿童进行跟踪调查发现:母亲所使用的看护孩子的方式对孩子的成长有很大的影响,那些接受朋友、亲 A follow-up survey of 12,000 chi