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当前,中国又一次走到了重要历史关头:必须继续推进改革开放,才能解决所面临的各种复杂问题和矛盾,再续国运昌盛,全面建成小康社会。一、深化改革的经济社会基础已发生深刻改变历经30多年的改革开放,中国取得了经济和社会发展的巨大成就;今天,国家发展了,继续推进改革的经济社会基础也已经发生了深刻变化。首先,整个中国社会已经从财富的觉醒,发展到公平的觉醒。在过去的计划经济体制下,个人和企业追求财富(收入和利润)都是不正当的,甚至是非法的;而现在追求财富和积累财富已经成为天经地义的事情,并且成为经济增长的内在动力。由于财富的涌流和积累,人们越来越在意自己能够从中分得多少利益。社会对公平的要求越来越强烈和迫切。 At present, again, China has reached an important historical juncture: It is necessary to continue to push forward reform and opening up in order to solve the complicated problems and conflicts it faces and to continue building the country with prosper fortunes and building a well-off society in an all-round way. First, the economic and social foundation for deepening the reform has undergone profound changes. After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China has made tremendous achievements in economic and social development. Today, the state has also undergone profound changes in the economic and social foundation for continuing to push forward the reform. First, the entire Chinese society has evolved from the awakening of wealth to the fair awakening. In the past, the pursuit of wealth (both income and profits) by individuals and businesses was illegitimate and even illegal. Now that pursuing wealth and accumulating wealth has become a natural thing, and has become an intrinsic motivation for economic growth. Due to the influx and accumulation of wealth, people are increasingly concerned about how much they can benefit from. Social demands for fairness are getting stronger and more urgent.
美国从事海洋研究机构的年度预算大约为4亿美元。但是现在所需要的是设计和建造 ,主要用于深海研究的海底可操纵和自动的新装备所需的资金。著名的海底研究船“阿尔文”号已
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中国从20世纪90年代初期开始探索发展职业足球以来,虽然呈现过几次短期的活力和高潮,然而整个足球发展的社会基础依旧薄弱,相对于迅速发展的世界和亚洲足球,中国足球仍全方位落后。2002年,中国国足打入2002世界杯,也并没有令中国足球从此脱胎换骨。  为了将中国从体育大国建设成为体育强国,国家也积极致力于中国足球行业的改革。2015年2月27日,在中国中央全面深化改革领导小组第十次会议上,审议通过了
The group time delays and amplitudes of the normal mode are derived using the normal mode filter. The sea bottom sound speed, density and attenuation are inver