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吃、喝、拉、睡,乃人生四大要事,而吃喝又为四者之首。然而,如果只是为了追求一时的口腹之快,那么,这种吃喝和动物又有什么两样呢?在我们这个有着悠久文化传统的国度,人们追求的更是——吃出味儿来。 还记得南宋的陆游吗?“莫笑农家腊酒浑,丰年留客足鸡豚”,农家浑浊的村醪,自然比不上精工制作的花雕、善酿,鸡豚的烹调,想来也一定是简单粗放的,然而,陆游却吃得十分开心,因为,在柳暗花明的 Eating, drinking, pulling, and sleeping are four important things in life, and eating and drinking are the heads of the four. However, if it is only for the purpose of pursuing a fast-paced diet, then what is the difference between eating and drinking and animals? In our country with a long tradition of culture, people are pursuing more - to taste. Remember Luyou in the Southern Song Dynasty?”Laughing at farmhouses and drinking wine, and harvesting chicken feet in abundance in harvest”, and the turbid villagers in the farmland are naturally inferior to the finely crafted Huadiao, the Good Brewing, and the cooking of the chicken dolphins. Extensive, however, Lu You was very happy to eat, because, in the dark
表妹送了我几颗含羞草的种子,我随手把它洒在花盆里,没想 到它不到十天就发芽了。如今已长得亭亭玉立。 含羞草的花朵娇小得很,要靠近才能看清楚。赤红的茎上长着 小而尖锐的
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Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母提示,补全句子中所缺的单词。1.Pianos,violins and guitars are musicali.2.Doing the laundry is boring.I h todo it.3.Don’t worry.It’s not time
玩是我们亲密的伙伴,从我们呱呱坠地开始,它便伴着我们一路走 来,使我们的生活变得多姿多彩。提起玩,我们忘不了父母亲友送给我们 的那些温馨的玩具,忘不了和小伙伴们一块儿
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