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中国通史编纂是顾颉刚史学人生的重要组成部分。在20世纪20年代,顾颉刚受“新史学”思潮影响而主要致力于历史教科书的编纂;到了20世纪三四十年代,他则因时局的变动而主要致力于通俗中国通史和中华民族通史的编纂;时过境迁,进入20世纪50年代伊始,他则不得不因社会语境的变迁而放弃了中国通史编纂。因此,中国通史编纂只能被视为顾颉刚史学人生中一种未竟的志业。然而,这并不影响顾颉刚中国通史编纂在20世纪中国通史编撰史上的地位。大体而论,顾颉刚中国通史编纂的学术特征,基本吻合于梁启超关于中国通史编纂的总体设想。进言之,顾颉刚不仅在观念层面继承了梁启超关于中国通史编纂的总体设想,还在实践层面予以具体操作,因而其中国通史编纂是20世纪中国通史编撰链条上不可或缺的一环。 The compilation of general history in China is an important part of Gu Jiegang’s history. In the 1920s, Gu Jiegang was mainly influenced by the “New History” thoughts and mainly devoted himself to the compilation of history textbooks. By the 1930s and 1940s, Gu Jiegang mainly devoted himself to the general history of popular China and the Chinese nation History of the compilation; the passage of time, the beginning of the 20th century, the beginning of the 1950s, he had to give up due to the changing social context of China’s history of the compilation. Therefore, the compilation of general history in China can only be regarded as an unfinished career in Gu Jiegang’s history. However, this does not affect Gu Jiegang’s position in the history of China’s general history compiled by Gu Jiegang. In general, the academic characteristics of Gu Jiegang’s compilation of General History of China are basically in line with Liang Qichao’s overall plan for compiling general history of China. In other words, Gu Jiegang not only inherited Liang Qichao’s general idea about the general history of China’s general history at the conceptual level but also carried out concrete operations at the practical level. Therefore, his compilation of general history of China was an indispensable link in the compilation chain of general history of China in the 20th century.
廿二碳六烯酸(Docosahexaenoic acid,简称DHA)对人体健康有重要影响.目前DHA主要分离纯化自海洋鱼油,但存在诸多不利因素.研究表明海洋微生物具有大规模工业化生产DHA的潜力.