
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vialli_7
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编辑同志:我儿子两岁多一点,说话口齿清楚,会唱很多儿歌,会数数,能背两三首五言诗,在我看来他是个聪明可爱的孩子。但儿子更多的时候令人头痛,比如吃饭的时候不好好坐着吃饭,偏要到处跑,让他用勺子吃饭,他偏要用手抓。平时跟邻居小朋友玩,老抢别人的东西,爱跟别人打架,动不动就骂人。这些情况都令我感到为难,对儿子打也不是,不打也不是,打轻了不起作用,过重了,一来自己 Editor’s Comrade: My son is a little over two years old. He speaks clearly and can sing a lot of children’s songs. He can count a few words and can read two or three five-character poems. In my opinion, he is a clever and lovely child. However, when the son is more headache, for example, when eating did not sit down and eat, partial to run around, let him eat with a spoon, he was partial to hand. Usually play with neighbors children, grab other people’s stuff, love to fight with others, at every turn on the curse. All these things make me feel embarrassed, they are not fighting against their sons, they are not fighting, they are not effective, they are overweight, and they themselves
China’s Internet industry has developed rapidly over the past decade and looks set to continue its growth since the Internet first came to China in 1994,it has
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