
来源 :中国价格监督检查 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:programmelove
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时至今日,《中华人民共和国反垄断法》颁布实施已经整四年了。四年过程中,国家发展改革委成功查办了有较大影响的价格垄断案。不仅用实际行动诠释了《反垄断法》的严肃性,而且丰富了反价格垄断执法实践,积累了查案、办案工作经验,锻炼了执法队伍应对各种复杂案件的能力。得到了社会各界的广泛关注和好评。实践证明,市场经济越发达,市场化发展程度越高,反垄断工作越重要。从国际交流的经验来看,市场经济发达国家都很重视维护市场公平竞争和维护消费者权益。由于我国社会主义市场经济还处在逐步建立、完善、规范的过程之中,法制建设尚待进一步完善、健全;更由于部分经营者缺乏诚信意识和存在过分追求利润最大化的倾向,导致一些行业经营者通过达成垄断协议和滥用市场支配地位进行价格垄断,导 Up to now, the Anti-monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China has been promulgated for four years. In the course of four years, the National Development and Reform Commission successfully investigated price monopoly cases that have a greater impact. Not only has it interpreted the seriousness of the “Anti-Monopoly Law” through practical actions, but also enriched anti-monopoly law enforcement practices and accumulated experience in case investigation and case handling and tempered the ability of law enforcement teams to deal with various complicated cases. Has been widespread concern and praise from all sectors of society. Practice has proved that the more developed the market economy and the higher the degree of marketization, the more important the antitrust work will be. From the experience of international exchanges, market economy developed countries attach great importance to maintaining fair market competition and safeguarding the rights and interests of consumers. As the socialist market economy in our country is still undergoing the process of establishing, perfecting and regulating the legal system, the construction of the legal system still needs to be further improved and perfected. As some operators lack the awareness of honesty and integrity and tend to over-profit maximization, some industries Operators through the monopoly agreement and the abuse of market dominance price monopoly guide