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一氧化碳(co)是无色、无味、无臭、无刺激性,从感观上难以鉴别的气体。一氧化碳主要由含碳化合物燃烧不完全所产生。一般人常在无意中发生中毒而自己不知道,。每年总有一些病例在被发现时,常因中毒太深而无法挽救。因此,应予以重视。1、急性一氧化碳中毒的常见原因工业上炼钢、炼焦、烧窑等在生产过程中炉门或窑门关闭不严,煤气管道漏气,汽车排出尾气,都可逸出大量的一氧化碳。矿井打眼放炮产生的炮烟及煤矿瓦斯爆炸时均有大量一氧化碳产生。化学工业合成氨、甲醇、丙酮等都要接触一氧化碳。零散中毒病例多系北方冬季用煤炉、火炕取暖因燃烧不全而发生。亦有城市居民因煤气管道泄漏而致中毒。 Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, odorless, non-irritating gas that is difficult to identify from the senses. Carbon monoxide is mainly produced by the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing compounds. Most people often inadvertently poisoning and do not know ,. Every year when some cases are found, they often can not be saved due to too much poisoning. Therefore, we should pay attention to it. 1, a common cause of acute carbon monoxide poisoning Industrial production of steel, coking, kiln, etc. In the production process furnace door or kiln door closed lax, gas pipeline leaks, car exhaust emissions, can escape large amounts of carbon monoxide. Coal mine blasthole blasting produced smoke and coal mine methane emissions have a large amount of carbon monoxide. Chemical Industry Synthetic ammonia, methanol, acetone, etc. should be exposed to carbon monoxide. More cases of scattered poisoning north of the coal-burning stove in the north, heating kang heating due to incomplete combustion occurred. Some urban residents are also poisoned by gas pipeline leaks.
黄体囊肿(corpus luteum cyst)是好发于年轻妇女常见的妇科良性肿瘤,可引起卵巢蒂扭转、破裂、出血等并发症导致卵巢功能丧失。新生儿病例极为罕见。现将徐州市儿童医院收治
笔者于2001年、2002年治疗2例20多年前患甲状腺功能亢进(以下简称甲亢),治愈20多年后,转为甲状腺功能减退症,现分析报告如下。 1 病例资料例一,女性,53岁,中学教师,乏力,嗜
Objectives. - To compare the pre- existing risk profiles for breast or endometrial cancer of menopaused women receiving tibolone or another hormone replacement
Objective: To establish the nature and extent of difficulties in parenting and child development in families with twins conceived by assisted reproduction. Desi
Drive试驾上海大众斯柯达晶锐Scout车身不大却五脏俱全,底盘不高照样能轻度越野,并非出身豪门却能绵延百载,外观虽然平和但内心澎湃激昂SKODA FABIA Scout,上海大众斯柯达晶
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We performed a prospective study to detect the cell cycle changes in luteinized granulosa cells in patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation with GnRH
一、糖尿病患者的高血压1.为何高血压会成为问题 ?①糖尿病患者并发高血压的病例较多 ,尤以并发肾脏病患者更明显 ;②高血压是促进肾病进展与视网膜病变的恶化因子 ;③确切的