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这几天,南部战区空军雷达某旅十一站站长王星过得比者节还开心,妻子刘亚云来队了。作为连队主官,春节假期王星走不开,而身为护士的妻子过年也要值班。这几天,算是他们俩“错峰”过节。王星高射炮兵出身,2014年原单位撤编分流到雷达部队。专业从零学起,之后又被组织委以重任,来到好几年都与“先进”无缘的十一站任站长。收获的背后,王星付出了多少,只有他自己知道。“付出是有的,但我觉得收获更多。与笔者聊起两年多的点点滴滴,王星无限感慨——2010年,我军校毕业,分配到了驻守在广州的某高炮部队。从基层的一名排长干起,到成为机关的一名参谋,各级领导对我的工作都比较满意。看我人比较实在,老连队的指导员还特意把自 These days, the southern theater Air Force radar brigade stationmaster Wang Xing had more happy than the festival, his wife Liu Yayun to the team. As a company officer, Wang Xing can not leave the Spring Festival holiday, but as a nurse’s wife New Year also duty. These days, be they both ”peak“ ”holiday. Wang Xing anti-aircraft artillery background, in 2014 the original unit withdrawals to divert radar units. Professional from scratch, then organized by the Commission entrusted with the task, came to several years with “advanced ” missed 11 station manager. Behind the harvest, how much Wang Xing paid, only he knows. "Spent is there, but I think the harvest more .. I talked with the author more than two years bit by bit, Wang infinite emotion - 2010, I graduated from the military academy, assigned to stationed in Guangzhou, an artillery unit. From a grass-roots platoon leader to start to become an officer of the organs, leaders at all levels are more satisfied with my work.I see me more realistic, the old company’s instructors also specifically from the
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