以“三个代表”重要思想为指导 坚持执法为民推进教育训练工作开展——学习中央领导同志批示和周永康部长报告的体会

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胡锦涛等中央领导同志在周永康部长“关于当前公安机关执法活动中存在的一些突出问题及其思考”的报告上的重要批示,不仅为新时期加强公安队伍建设和公安执法工作指明了方向,而且对全面改进当前公安教育训练工作提出了更高的要求。作为北京市公安机关主要教育训练部门的北京人民警察学院,应紧紧围绕“从严治警,执法为民”的要求,改进首都公安教育训练工作,以适应首都公安队伍建设和公安执法工作的需要。一是要认真学习贯彻中央领导同志的批示和周部长报告的精神,进一步明确新世纪公安机关担负的重大政治责任和社会责任;二是认真反思首都公安教育训练工作上的差距,发挥好警察学院在改革和加强全局教育训练工作中的职能作用;三是充分利用警院新校园的教育资源,在服务首都公安工作、推进公安队伍建设和执法为民方面作出新贡献。 Hu Jintao and other central leading comrades in the report of Minister Zhou Yongkang on Some Important Problems and Reflections on Current Enforcement Activities of the Public Security Organs not only pointed out the direction for strengthening public security contingent building and public security enforcement in the new era, Improve the current public security education and training work put forward higher requirements. Beijing People’s Police College, as the main education and training department of Beijing’s public security organs, should closely follow the requirements of “strictly administering the police and enforcing the law for the people” so as to improve education and training in the capital’s public security so as to adapt to the construction of public security forces in the capital and law enforcement of public security need. First, we must conscientiously study and implement the directives of the central leading comrades and the report of Minister Zhou, further clarify the major political responsibilities and social responsibilities that the public security organs shoulder in the new century; second, seriously review the disparities in public security education and training work in the capital and give full play to the role played by the Police Academy Thirdly, it should make full use of the educational resources of the new campus of the police to make new contributions to serving the public security work in the capital and advancing the construction of public security forces and enforcing the law for the people.
为了满足我国勘察设计行业的改革发展和加入 WTO、与国际接轨的需要,建设部和人事部于 2000年 9月 27日在北京共同主持召开了“全国勘察设计行业执业注册制度总体框架研讨会”
唐朝开元名相张九龄的政治功业和道德文章是他留给后人的一笔宝贵财富。千余年来,这笔财富始终熠熠生辉,随着时间的推移和人们的价值发现 The Tang Dynasty Kaizong’s nine