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我厂采用的紫铜模成型铸铁冷焊工艺,其特点是利用紫铜导热性强,不易与铸铁件相熔的原理,将紫铜做成胎模进行强制成型的。现举例如下: 例一:我厂JB21—100吨压力机,因出现故障不慎将地脚螺孔处砸坏。我们考虑到如采用铸308、铸408、铸508焊条时,须将螺孔焊死另钻,这样不但钻孔困难而且不经济,于是我们采用了冷焊强制成型工艺,焊后只需用手动砂轮磨削即可,经两年多的使用未发现异常现象,现将焊接工艺介绍如下: 焊前准备 I plant the use of copper mold cast iron cold welding process, which is characterized by the use of copper thermal conductivity is not easy with the principle of melting of cast iron, the mold made of copper forging. Now for example as follows: Example 1: Our factory JB21-100 tons of presses, due to failure inadvertently smashed to the ground at the screw hole. We consider that if cast 308, cast 408, cast 508 electrode, the welding hole must be welded to another drill, so that not only drilling difficult and not economical, so we use a cold welding forcing process, welding only need to manually Grinding wheel can be used after more than two years did not find any anomalies, the welding process is introduced as follows: Preparation before welding
文化差异──翻译中的对应与非对应郑书波Culture,asoneofthemostimPortantfactorsInfluencingtranslatlon,haslongbeendiscussedandcon-trovertedbymanytra... Cultural differences ─ ─ correspondence in translation and non-correspondence Zheng Shubo Culture, asoneofthemostim
一、概论根据高聚物光氧化稳定性,可将目前大量使用的高分子分为三类: (1)对光氧化稳定的高分子。如聚四氟乙烯、聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯,无须加入光稳剂,可长时间使用。 (2)对光
据国际地科联(IUGS)的机关刊物《EPISODES》(1980,卷No.2)报道,国际地科联的地层委员会已选定用中文“山”(mountain)字的仿宋体作为其会标。这个 According to the public
Cannes,France is well known as the venue of the Festival de Cannes,one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world. When the event is held each year, m
2008北京奥运会高唱三大主题,“绿色奥运”首当其冲。但“绿色奥运”不仅仅是一个口号、一个话题,它更是一种意识、一种理念、一种生活方式。 2008 Beijing Olympic Games s