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由中国国家自然科学基金会、美国科学基金会和中国地质学会构造地质专业委员会联合发起和主持,内蒙古自治区矿产勘查局和北京大学地质系等办的“阴山—燕山大型逆冲推覆构造现场研讨会”于1998年5月8日~11日,在内蒙古呼和浩特市召开。会议的主题是实地考察大青山的中生代逆掩断层带。 47名学者(中国学者42人,美国学者5人)出席了会议,会议期间就中国东部,特别是对阴山—燕山造山带的逆冲构造研究展开了热烈的讨论。崔盛芹阐述了燕山及其邻区的中、新生代构造运动的时间序列和逆冲推覆构造的时空分布特征。G.A.Davis论证了燕山构造带的几何学和年代学。张长厚向与会代表介绍了冀北辽西地区燕山期逆冲推覆构造的最新研究成果。王继明叙述了北京地区燕山期逆冲推覆构造特征。朱绅玉、刘正宏讨论了阴山—大青山地区的燕山运动和逆掩断层,大大提高了人们对该地区中生代逆冲推覆构造的认识。任纪舜从区域构造的角度,强调指出逆冲推覆构造的分布并不局限于阴山—燕山地带;事实上在60年代,内蒙古的地质勘探工作业已发现在白音敖拉、朝根乌得 By the China National Natural Science Foundation, the United States Foundation for Science and the Geological Society of China Geology Professional Committee co-sponsored and hosted by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Bureau of mineral exploration and the Peking University Department of Geology, “Yinshan - Yanshan large thrust nappe structure site research Will be ”in May 8, 1998 to 11, held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. The theme of the conference was a field investigation of the Daqingshan Mesozoic inverse fault zone. 47 scholars (42 Chinese scholars and 5 American scholars) attended the conference and heated discussion was held on the research on the thrust structure of the Yinshan-Yanshan orogenic belt in the eastern part of China. Cui Shengqin elaborated the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic movements and the thrust-nappe structures in Yanshan and its adjacent areas. G.A. Davis demonstrates the geometry and geochronology of the Yanshan tectonic belt. Zhang Changhou briefed the delegates on the latest research results of the thrust nappe structure in western Liaoning Province. Wang Jiming described the Yanshanian thrust nappe tectonics in Beijing area. Zhu Shenyu and Liu Zhenghong discussed the Yanshan-Daqingshan movement of the Yanshan movement and the overthrust fault, which greatly enhanced the understanding of the Mesozoic thrust nappe structure in the area. From the perspective of regional tectonics, Ren Jishun emphasized that the distribution of thrust thrust structures is not confined to the Yinshan-Yanshan zone; in fact, in the 1960s, the geological exploration work in Inner Mongolia has been found in Baiyin Ao La,
Seed dispersal is a fundamental process affecting destinies of seeds and seedlings,as well as regeneration dynamics and distribution patterns of communities.Rec