繁荣民族文化 构建和谐社会

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经四川省人民政府批准,由省文化厅、省民委主办,乐山市人民政府承办的四川省第五届少数民族艺术节于1006年10月23日开幕,历时5天,盛况空前,其规模、形式、内容为历届之最。来自各少数民族自治州、少数民族杂居城市和相关艺术院校的14个代表团,各市州的观摩团,省级相关部门的领导以及有关专家学者,海内外新闻媒体聚集乐山,参演、参展人员迈三千人,观众数十万人,使本届艺术节成为了一次民族艺术展示交流的盛会,充分体现了“艺术的盛会、人民的节日”的宗旨,展示了全省民族文化的精髓,促进了民族文化繁荣,成为了四川构建和谐社会的一大亮点。本届艺术节以“团结、奋进、和谐、繁荣”为主题,以民族、地城文化的精、特、新为特色,以开(闭)幕式,舞台剧目展演,民族民间文化艺术巡游,民族美术、书法、摄影展览,民族文化、旅游产品博览为主要内容。主题、特色、内容、目标定位明确,是本届艺术节最为鲜明的特点,充分展示了5年来全省少数民族文化艺术的新成就和新风貌。本届艺术节共评选出舞台演出近100个优秀音乐舞蹈作品,有近200个优秀美术、书法、摄影作品获奖,有力地促进和推动了民族艺术的发展。国家民委副主任丹珠昂奔在讲话中高度评价本届艺术节推动了民族文化工作取得新进展,促进了民族文化事业不断繁荣,丰富了各族干部群众的精神文化生活,营造了民族团结进步的良好氛围。文.图 Approved by Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, the 5th Ethnic Minority Arts Festival hosted by Leshan City People’s Government and sponsored by Provincial Department of Culture and Provincial People’s Government opened on October 23, 1006 and lasted for 5 days. Its grand scale was unprecedented , Form, content for the most previous. 14 delegations from ethnic minority autonomous prefectures, ethnic mixed-race cities and related art colleges and universities, visiting delegations of cities and prefectures, leaders of relevant provincial departments, relevant experts and scholars, and domestic and overseas news media gathered in Leshan, exhibitors and exhibitors Three thousand people and three hundred thousand spectators, the audience of hundreds of thousands of people, so that this art festival has become a grand exchange of national art shows, fully embodies the “art gala, people’s festival,” the purpose of displaying the essence of the province’s national culture, Promoted the prosperity of the national culture, Sichuan has become a major highlight of building a harmonious society. With the theme of “Unity, Endeavoring, Harmony and Prosperity”, this festival features fine, special and new culture of nationality and urban culture, with opening and closing ceremonies, stage repertoire performances, national folk culture and art parade, National art, calligraphy, photography exhibitions, national culture, tourism products Expo as the main content. The theme, characteristics, content and target positioning are clear. It is the most distinctive feature of this festival and fully demonstrates the new achievements and new features of the arts and culture of ethnic minorities in the province in the past 5 years. A total of nearly 100 excellent music and dance productions have been selected for the festival. There are nearly 200 outstanding fine arts, calligraphy and photographic works awarded. This has effectively promoted and promoted the development of national arts. In his speech, Dan Zhuangben, deputy director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, highly praised the art festival for promoting new progress in ethnic culture, promoting the continuous prosperity of ethnic and cultural undertakings, enriching the spiritual and cultural life of cadres and people of all ethnic groups and building a national unity A good atmosphere of progress. Text
目的 了解贫困家庭子女心理健康状况。方法 利用中国人心理健康量表对2013名学生进行测量、统计和对比分析。结果 贫困家庭子女的总体平均分、各因子平均分以及中度症状的比