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  Even the best of friends can fill you with tension and make you sick. Why does friendship so readily turn toxic?
  Think of a time when you sat across from a friend and felt truly understood. Deeply known. Maybe you sensed how she was bringing out your “best self”, your cleverest observations and wittiest jokes. She encouraged you. She listened, articulated1 one of your patterns, and then gently suggested how you might shift it for the better. The two of you gossiped about your mutual friends, skipped between shared memories, and delved into cherished subjects in a seamlessly scripted exchange full of shorthand and punctuated with knowing expressions.2 Perhaps you felt a warm swell of admiration for her, and a simultaneous sense of pride in your similarity to her. You felt deep satisfaction to be valued by someone you held in such high regard: happy, nourished and energized through it all.
  But even our easiest and richest friendships can be laced with tensions and conflicts, as are most human relationships. They can lose a bit of their magic and fail to regain it, or even fade out altogether for tragic reasons, or no reason at all. Then there are the not-so-easy friendships; increasingly difficult friendships; and bad, gutwrenching3, toxic friendships. The pleasures and benefits of good friends are abundant, but they come with a price. Friendship, looked at through a clear and wide lens, is far messier and more lopsided4 than it is often portrayed.
  The first cold splash on an idealised notion of friendship is the data showing that only about half of friendships are reciprocal5. This is shocking to people, since research confirms that we actually assume nearly all our friendships are reciprocal. Can you guess who on your list of friends wouldn’t list you?
  One explanation for imbalance is that many friendships are aspirational: a study of teens shows that people want to be friends with popular people, but those higher up the social hierarchy6 have their pick. A corroborating7 piece of evidence is the finding that your Facebook “friends” always have, on average, more “friends” than you do. So much for friendship being an oasis8 from our status-obsessed world.
  “Ambivalent” relationships, in social science parlance,9 are characterised by interdependence and conflict. You have many positive and negative feelings toward these people. You might think twice about picking up when they call. These relationships turn out to be common, too. Close to half of one’s important social network members are identified as ambivalent. Granted, more of those are family members than friends, but still, for friendship, it’s another push off the pedestal10.
在最新的蘋果手机发布会上,最大的亮点也是被人吐槽最多的恐怕要算它的人脸识别功能了。除了指纹之外,面部特征无疑也是区分个体差异的最有效方式。人脸识别技术在不远未来的广泛应用是可预见的,但其潜在的安全隐患也值得人们关注。  The human face is a remarkable piece of work. The astonishing variety of facial features h
全新运动节能阵容亮相法兰克福车展      在2007年法兰克福车展上,奥迪公司举行了三款全新车型的全球首发式。其中,新一代奥迪A4和全新奥迪RS6 Avant高性能运动旅行车突出体现了奥迪品牌百年来一脉相承的运动特征,而融合了奥迪三大环保技术的新一代奥迪A4 2.0 TDI e型概念车则刷新了同级别高档车节能减排的新纪录。    重新定义运动型轿车高标准    一直备受业内关注的新一代奥迪A4简
词语“OK”今年已经180岁了。在这180年里,“OK”经历了不断演变的过程;目前它已成为人们用语中的“常客”和风靡全球的文化符号。可以说,“OK”是世界上使用频率最高和使用范围最广的一个英语词语,也是迄今为止人类发明出来的最奇特和最有趣的一种表达方式。  关于“OK”的来源,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。但据美国著名学者艾伦·里德在20世纪60年代的考证,“OK”的最早文字记录见于1839年3月23日出版
云南昭通永善县犀牛村,海拔接近4000米,7岁男孩夏宗武和姐姐夏宗超在茫茫雾气中出发,地面上、枯草上、倾斜的老树上和孩子们的头发上,都结着深深浅浅一层霜。  冬日清晨6点,两姐弟就要出发去往半山腰海拔两千多米的犀牛小学上课,长达两个小时的漫长跋涉,需要翻过两座山,穿行于冰霜和雾海之中,忍受寒冷和孤独,孩子们必须快步走或是慢跑才能不迟到,这是一段辛苦的求学之路。姐姐的手冻得通红发肿,弟弟小武的手也生
摘 要:本文结合课例实践,以叙事文本鉴赏中的中国传统文化解读作为研讨的主题。在实际教学中,对叙事文本的鉴赏遵循新课程标准指导下的文化教学方向。教师可以进行与文本主题相关的文化导入,引导学生按照主线梳理文本中的文化知识,着重分析和欣赏情节发展的冲突原因、作者使用语言的意图及文本内在的因果逻辑关系,提高学生分析叙事文本中人物形象、价值观念和文化内涵的能力。  关键词:文化解读;文化导入;文化梳理;文化
近期在线上给学生上精读课,在微信群里用文字进行了一些课堂讨论,得以将某些既典型又容易被忽视的现象记载下来:  我:What is the topic of this essay?  学生:This article’s topic is that modern people have shallow friendship because of the lack of social connectiv
她总喜欢心平气和地漫步在草坪上,酣畅地呼吸;不和别人比拼,就是想打得高兴;不跟自己较劲,不断发现乐趣,哪怕成绩很差,但又发现了球场的一处美景,她就会觉得收获不小  李莹的最好成绩是在她生日的时候打出来的。当时感觉特别好,一路顺风顺水,打出了79杆。  伴着轻盈的脚步,盈之宝董事长李莹向我们走来。休闲打扮,略施粉黛,亲切自然的微笑,让人很难把眼前这个事务繁忙的佳人老板与多次摘得业余高尔夫比赛的冠军联
人人都希望自己拥有高智商,但经过人工干预提高智商却会带来各种新的问题和烦恼。Flowers for Algemon(《献给阿尔吉侬的花束》)里的主人公查理·戈登就是这样的一个例子。查理在面包房做工,整天受到周围人的刁难和嘲笑,因为他在别人眼中始终是傻瓜。他最大的心愿是通过学习使自己聪明起来。斯特劳斯博士在做一项实验,期望手术能改变人的智商。渴望变得聪明的查理便接受了手术,手术后的查理智力超过常人,