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据不完全统计,山西晋城几年以前有三十几家煤球厂,可惜受煤矿改革影响有一半以上已经关闭,现仅存十几家。记者好不容易在城郊附近找到了一家煤球厂,还巧,它还在生产。厂里有两台冲压煤球的机器,只有王师傅1个工人。据煤球厂老板介绍,他十几年前在此建了这个煤球厂,开始时生意很好,每天要加工20多吨煤,随着城市建设的加快,生意越来越少,现在每天只保持在4吨左右了。工人王师傅是一职多能,既要敞生产还要负责维修机器.在他休息时记者问了他一些情况,他说:“还好!虽 According to incomplete statistics, there are over 30 briquettes factories in Shanxi Jincheng a few years ago. Unfortunately, more than half of the coal mine reform has been shut down and there are only a dozen or so remaining. Reporters finally found a briquettes plant in the suburbs, but also, it is still in production. The factory has two punching briquettes machines, only a master Wang workers. According to the briquette factory owner, he built this briquettes plant more than a dozen years ago. At the beginning, the business was good. More than 20 tons of coal were processed daily. With the acceleration of urban construction, the business was getting less and less, It is around 4 tons. Master Wang is a multi-functional workers, both to open production but also responsible for the maintenance of the machine. At the time of his rest the reporter asked him some of the situation, he said: ”Fortunately! Although