Data signal processing via manchester coding-decoding method using chaotic signals generated by PAND

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifengjun001
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We investigate the nonlinear behaviors of light recognized as chaos during the propagation of Gaussian laser beam inside a nonlinear polarization maintaining and absorption reducing (PANDA) ring resonator system. It aims to generate the nonlinear behavior of light to obtain data in binary logic codes for transmission in fiber optics communication. Effective parameters, such as refractive indices of a silicon waveguide, coupling coefficients (κ), and ring radius ring (R), can be properly selected to operate the nonlinear behavior. Therefore, the binary coded data generated by the PANDA ring resonator system can be decoded and converted to Manchester codes, where the decoding process of the transmitted codes occurs at the end of the transmission link. The simulation results show that the original codes can be recovered with a high security of signal transmission using the Manchester method. We investigate the nonlinear behaviors of light recognized as chaos during the propagation of Gaussian laser beam inside a nonlinear polarization maintaining and absorbing reducing (PANDA) ring resonator system. It aims to generate the nonlinear behavior of light to obtain data in binary logic codes for transmission Effective parameters, such as refractive indices of a silicon waveguide, coupling coefficients (κ), and ring radius ring (R), can be properly selected to operate the nonlinear behavior. PANDA ring resonator system can be decoded and converted to Manchester codes, where the decoding process of the transmitted codes occurs at the end of the transmission link. The simulation results show that the original codes can be recovered with a high security of signal transmission using the Manchester method.
日本京都大学研究人员在美国科学在线杂志上发表论文说,圆白菜为保护自己免遭虫害,会调节自身散发的气味,夸大受害程度,从而招来更多害虫的天敌。 Researchers at the Kyoto
<正> 青主(1893—1959,原名廖尚果)虽非音乐专业出身,从事音乐工作时间也不长,然而却是20世纪上半叶中国音乐历史上建树颇丰、影响巨大
报载“2001年11月27日,被欧美乐评誉为‘国际之星’的旅美著名中国钢琴家许斐平,在去东北齐齐哈尔讲学途中遭车祸遇难,得年49。”噩耗传来,巨大的悲痛笼罩了整个音乐界。 "
我是1983年开始任叶栋老师的助手的,直至1989年他逝世,前后共6年。6年中,我亲眼目睹了一位中国的知 I started as assistant to Ye Dong in 1983 and until his death in 1