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地处雪峰山麓的安化县,现有面积4943平方公里,辖58个乡镇,人口93万.是益阳地区防火条件差、地域范围大、经济不宽裕,历来火灾多的一个边缘山区.近几年,随着形势的发展和消防工作任务越发繁重.为了解决这些矛盾,县消防股主动加强横向联系,与县保险公司联手共同制服火魔,取得了显著成效.一、联手抓宣传.在东坪镇联合创办了《消防与保险》宣传橱窗,宣传消防与保险常识、法规,做到每两月更换1期.东坪镇文化走廊是安化县文化宣传的窗口,辟有消防宣传阵地,每次更换版面需支付费用,都由县保险公司承担.还联合在县广播电台、《安化报》开辟了“消防与保险”宣传专栏.共同组织夏防、冬防、“119宣传日”等季节的宣传活动.据统计,去年县广播电台、报刊共播发消防宣传稿件23篇,印发宣传资料235份.更换宣传窗7期,联合举办消防知识学习班2期,产生了良好的社会反响.二、联手抓整改.充分发挥两个部门的优势,运用消防监督职权和保险公司理赔的制约机制,促进火险隐患的整改.县消防股派出了具有20多年消防工作经验的老同志到保险公司办公,保险公司安排了两名干部、1辆小车予以配合,组成专门班子抓火险隐患的整改.去年8月,县物资局某个体加油站,存在多处火险隐患, Anhua County is located in the foothills of Xuefeng, the existing area of ​​4943 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 58 townships, population 930000. Yiyang area is poor fire conditions, the geographical scope of large, the economy is not well off, has always been a fire and more a mountainous edge. In recent years, with the development of the situation and fire fighting tasks more and more arduous In order to solve these contradictions, the county fire department initiative to strengthen the horizontal link with the county insurance companies to jointly co-wear fire, and achieved remarkable results. Dongping town co-founded the “fire and insurance” publicity windows to promote fire safety and insurance common sense, laws and regulations, so every two months to replace a 1. Dongping Zhenhua cultural corridor is the cultural propaganda window, with fire propaganda positions , Each time you change the layout to pay the costs, all borne by the county insurance company .Also combined with the county radio station, “Anhua Newspaper” opened the “fire and insurance” propaganda column.Coordinated summer defense, winter defense, “119 Publicity Day ”And other seasonal promotional activities.According to statistics, last year, county radio stations, newspapers and broadcast a total of 23 manuscripts of fire brigade, publicity materials printed 235. Change the window 7, joint fire knowledge learning class 2, produced a good Good social repercussions .To join forces rectification and reform .Take full advantage of the advantages of the two departments, the use of fire supervision authority and insurance company claims restraint mechanism to promote the rectification of the hidden dangers of fire. County Fire Department sent with more than 20 years of experience in the fire work of the old Comrades to the insurance company office, the insurance company arranged two cadres, a car to be combined to form a special team to rectify the hidden dangers of fire danger .In August last year, a county gas bureau gas station, there are many potential dangers of fire,
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The paper describes 3D numerical Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model and approximate sector approach for viscous turbulent flow through flow path of on