慎之又慎 精益求精——关于加工修改稿件中的几个问题

来源 :中国高教研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojiagu
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对稿件修改加工的水平,直接关系到期刊的质量。审读稿件,一般仅着眼于文稿中大的、带全局性的问题,不一定注意稿件的局部与枝节。通过初审遴选出的可用稿及根据编辑计划约来的专稿,经编前会议确定采用后,并不一定符合发稿要求。其中多数稿件需经修改加工方可利用,有... Modify the level of manuscript processing, is directly related to the quality of journals. Review manuscripts, generally only focus on large manuscripts, with the overall situation, not necessarily pay attention to the parts and components of the manuscript. Through the preliminary examination of the selected draft and the draft Zhuangao scheduled according to the editorial plan, the warp knitting meeting is determined to adopt, it does not necessarily meet the requirements of the press release. Most of the manuscripts need to be modified before processing can be used, there is ...
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