Anti-MSP-1 19 antibody (IgG)and reactive oxygen species (ROS)response against malaria infection in p

来源 :亚太热带医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilyzhanglove
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Objective:Although immunity to malaria is reduced in pregnancy,the matal immune system still continues to respond to malaria infection by the production of antibodies.IgG has been reported to play significant role in immune response against P.falciparum.Anti-MSP-1 1 9 antibody and reactive oxygen species have been shown to be protective against malaria infection in children.This work assessed the response of anti-MSP-1 1 9 antibody (a promising blood stage vaccine candidate antigen)and oxidative stress in 250 pregnant women.Methods:Blood samples were collected in dry and wet seasons.Plasmodium falciparum infection was determined by mi-croscopy,anti-MSP-1 1 9 IgG level was investigated using ELISA.Malondiadelhyde (MDA)and reduced gluta-thione (GSH)were used as indicators of oxidative stress and they were quantified spectrophotometrically.Re-sults:Parasitaemia was significantly higher (P <0.05)in wet than dry season and its level decreased with gravidity.There was a significant increase (P <0.05)in anti-MSP-1 1 9 IgG and MDA levels in the dry than wet season.Anti-MSP-1 1 9 IgG and MDA levels were significantly higher in P.falciparum positive primigravidae than P.falciparum negative primigravidae in both wet and dry seasons.In wet season anti-MSP-1 1 9 IgG level was significantly increased (P <0.05)in P.falciparum positive multigravidae than P.falciparum negative. The anti-MSP-1 1 9 IgG and MDA were significant higher in P.falciparum positive multigravidae than primigravi-dae.Reduced glutathione (GSH)level was significantly reduced (P <0.05)among malaria positive than ma-laria negative patients in both seasons.Conclusion:This study suggests that IgG and MDA response were pos-itively associated with the presence of malaria infection.
目的 探讨生理性调节对人眼波前像差的影响.方法 描述性研究.通过移动注视视标诱发调节,并在不同调节状态下采集眼波前像差.评估内容包括可诱发的调节幅度、比较调节幅度大于3D与调节幅度小于3D两组在调节放松状态下高阶像差的差异以及比较0D、1D、3D3种调节状态,在3.11 mm和4.93 mm两种瞳孔直径下,眼波前像差的变化特点.采用独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析处理数据.结果 在本实验条件下可以实
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1例45岁女性患者因脓毒血症、肺部感染和胆囊炎,给予莫西沙星注射液0.4 g (250 ml)静脉滴注,1次/d。首次静脉滴注该药约30 min时,患者出现眩晕和视物模糊,静脉滴注结束后约2 h,上述症状自行缓解。次日再次静脉滴注莫西沙星后约30 min,上述症状复现。立即停用莫西沙星,改用哌拉西林他唑巴坦4.5 g入0.9%氯化钠注射液100 ml、1次/ 8 h静脉滴注。此后患者未再出现眩晕及
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