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桂平西山古称思陵山,又称思灵山,位于城区西郊1公里许,海拔670多米,远看如荷叶倒置,郁郁葱葱,俨然穆穆群山之主。早在公元6世纪初,南朝梁武帝始建桂平郡,设郡城于西山半腰大窝坪之后(宋代嘉祐年间即公元1058年前后,郡城、县城才从山上迁到今地),西山便开台成为人们浏览休憩的场所。经过历代修整,西山景胜渐多。山上怪石嶙峋,万木争荣,流泉飞瀑,曲径通幽;寺观庙宇,楼阁亭台,错落其间;摩崖石刻,相映成趣。西山还是广西著名的佛教胜地,全国七大佛教胜地之一。民谣说:“桂林山水甲天下,更有浔城半边山。”这“半边山”指的便是西山。人们拿誉满天下的桂林山水同西山相媲美,是有道理的。自1988年,西山被国务院列为全国重点风景名胜区以来,西山风景名胜区连年被评为全国精神文明建设工作先进单位光荣称号;被国家建设部评为全国风景名胜区先进单位称号;2003、2004年连续两年被国家建设部评为国家重点风景名胜区综合整治工作先进单位:2004年被评为国家AAAA级旅游区,2005年8月被广西区旅游局评为“广西十佳旅游景区”,蜚声海内外。西山以林秀、石奇、泉甘、茶香而闻名于世,人称西山“四绝”。林秀西山丛林如海,主要树种为松树、樟树、榕树和鱼尾葵,人称西山丛林“四大家庭”。其中,不少是两三百年高龄的古松、古榕、古樟。在洗石庵左侧,有一株已有300多年高龄的“芒果王”。1983年结芒果1500多公斤,庵的右侧,还有几株广西罕见的大叶楠,挺拔参天,是建筑的栋梁之材。关于西山的林木,曾任龙华寺住持、前中国佛教协会副会长巨赞法师于1943年在上海《旅行杂志》上撰文介绍说,西山浓阴蔽天,“很像杭州的云栖竹径,又像灵隐寺的飞来峰,但树木的种类之多,姿态的清奇,又比灵隐好多了”。 Guiping Xishan ancient called Siling Hill, also known as Siling Hill, located in the western suburbs 1 km Xu, more than 670 meters above sea level, such as the lotus leaf upside, lush, just like Mu Mu Lord. As early as the beginning of the 6th century AD, Emperor Liang Wudi of the Southern Dynasty started the construction of Guiping County and set up a county town on the west side of the Daoxingping, halfway up the Xishan (Song Dynasty Jiayou years before and after 1058 AD. Western Hills came to Taiwan as a place for people to browse. After the ancient dressing, Xishan scenery more. Rocks on the hills 嶙 峋, 10,000 trees glory, flowing spring waterfalls, winding paths; temple temples, pavilions pavilions, patchwork; Cliff stone, side by side. Xishan or Guangxi famous Buddhist resort, one of the seven major Buddhist resorts. Ballad said: “Guilin, the world landscape, there are more than Tancheng half mountain.” This “Half Hill” refers to the Western Hills. It is reasonable for people to take Guilin landscape with the best reputation in the world as Xishan. Since 1988, Xishan was listed as a national key scenic area by the State Council, Xishan Scenic Area has been awarded the title of “National Advanced Unit of Spiritual Civilization Construction” in successive years. It was awarded the title of “Advanced Unit of National Scenic Area” by the Ministry of Construction in 2003 and 2004 Two years by the State Ministry of Construction as a national key scenic spots comprehensive improvement work Advanced unit: In 2004 was named the national AAAA level tourist area, in August 2005 by the Guangxi Provincial Tourism Bureau as “Top Ten tourist attractions in Guangxi,” renowned for the sea inside and outside. Xishan Lin Xiu, Shi Qi, Quan Gan, tea and world-famous, known as Xishan “four must.” Lin Xiu Xishan jungles such as the sea, the main species of pine, camphor, banyan tree and fish tail, known as the Western Hills jungle “family of four.” Among them, many are two or three hundred years old Gusong, Gurong, ancient camphor. On the left side of the stone wash, there is a “mango king” that has been aged over 300 years. In 1983, more than 1,500 kilograms of mango knot, the right side of the nunnery, there are several rare leaves of Guangxi Nan, tall and straight, is the pillars of the building materials. On the Xishan trees, abercrombie and fitch, former Longhua Temple Abbot, former Chinese Buddhist Association Vice President Giant praise Master in Shanghai in 1943 in the “Travel Magazine” wrote an article said that the Western Hills thick shade day, "like Hangzhou, , But also like Lingyin Temple flying peaks, but the many types of trees, the attitude of the Qing Qi, hidden better than the Ling.
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