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以德治企是现代企业科学管理的必然产物。道德是一种意识形态,一种精神现象,更是一种社会规范的高层次的约定俗成。古人云“百行德为首”,“德者,国之基也;德者,人之性也;德者,智之帅也。”这是我国五千年文明历史长河中得出的重要理念。在发达资本主义国家,其价值观念,伦理规范,道德观念,意识形态也作为制度约束来规范人们日常行为准则。我们在现代企业建设中,企业在实现以德治国的方略下,就必须下大决心,针对时弊,把以德治企作为现代企业改革与发展的力量源泉。因为道德规范不仅调整人们日常之间以及个人和社会关系的行为规范,更是体现企业全体员工综合素质的高度反映。 Administering Enterprise by Virtue Is the Necessary Product of Scientific Management of Modern Enterprise. Morality is an ideology and a spiritual phenomenon. It is also a high-level convention of social norms. The ancient people cloud “a hundred lines headed”, “Germany, the country based also; Germany, human nature also; Germany, Zhi Zhiya also.” This is the history of our civilization five thousand years of history has drawn an important concept. In advanced capitalist countries, their values, ethics, ethics and ideology also serve as institutional constraints to regulate people's daily behavior standards. In our modern enterprise construction, under the strategy of ruling the country by virtue, enterprises must make great determination and take the rule of virtue as the source of strength for the reform and development of modern enterprises in light of the current problems. Because ethics not only regulate people's daily behavior and the norms of personal and social relations norms, but also reflect the overall quality of all employees of the enterprise highly reflects.
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素以“文章节义之邦”著称的宜春市袁州区,历来崇文重教,文风鼎盛。迎着课程改革的东风,在历史与现实的交汇点上,袁州区教育人抢抓机遇,乘势而上,谱写着有效推进素 Succeedi
本文在介绍水流量标准装置基础上,论述了以微机为核心的流量计自动检定系统的软硬件组成、主要功能和技术参数。 On the basis of introducing the standard device of water
当今大部分中学生阅读时间有限,又局限于一般的阅读方法,常常漫无目的地去书海里乱扑腾。因此,选择科学、有效的阅读策略,提高阅读效率,显得尤其重要。笔者在此谈谈几种最主要、最有效的阅读方法,供广大中学生参考。    一、择优    要选择第一流的书。因为第一流的书中集中了大量的最有价值的信息,选择了第一流的好书便意味着阅读之前就删除了大量无用的信息。美国著名科普作家伊萨克·阿西莫夫有一句读书箴言:为什