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对于希望以中挡服务器的价格获得大型系统的性能和可靠性的用户来说,又有了新的选择,3月7日,惠普和康柏同时在国内发布了其中端市场的服务器产品——惠普 rp7410和康柏 AlphaServer ES45;虽然产品的发布只是时间上的巧合,但这确实为中端 UNIX 服务器市场增添了一抹亮色;从国内市场看2001年 UNIX 服务器厂商的策略主要集中在两端:高端产品如 HP SuperDome、IBM eServer P690、SUNE15000等不断向传统主机发起挑战;低端产品更是通过低价格和渠道的扩充欲从 PC 服务器市场分羹;而在中端市场上则略显平静。因此这两款中端服务器的发布可以说为开年的中端市场带来了新意,尤其是惠普将 rp7410的发布视为“在本来就具优势的中端市场上的又一次重拳出击。”其实随着大型服务器技术的不断下移以及“摩尔定律”式的性能提升,以中端服务器的价格获得高端服务器的性能当然是用户求之不得的好事。 For those who want to get the performance and reliability of large systems at mid-tier server prices, there is a new choice. On March 7, Hewlett-Packard and Compaq simultaneously released their mid-market server products domestically - HP rp7410 and Compaq AlphaServer ES45; Although the release of the product is only a coincidence in time, it does add a touch of bright color to the mid-market UNIX server market; from the domestic market, the tactics of UNIX server vendors in 2001 are mainly on both ends: Products such as HP SuperDome, IBM eServer P690, SUNE15000 continue to challenge the traditional host; low-end products through lower prices and channel expansion from the PC server market share; while in the mid-market is slightly calm. Therefore, the release of these two midrange servers can be said to have brought new ideas to the mid-market market. In particular, the release of the rp7410 from Hewlett-Packard regarded HP as “another heavy attack on the mid-market that already has advantages. ”In fact, with the continued decline of large-scale server technology and“ Moore’s Law ”-style performance increase, the price of mid-end server to get the performance of high-end servers, of course, the user can not do good.
在802.11b 技术的基础上,许多笔记本电脑领先厂商已经开始将其作为一种成熟的应用及解决方案提供给用户。东芝最新推出的笔记本电脑中,无线接入便是其最大亮点之一。无线接
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