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选人用人事关重大。党的十七届四中全会指出,要按照深化干部人事制度改革的要求,匡正选人用人风气,坚决整治跑官要官、买官卖官、拉票贿选等问题。语气之重,体现了党中央对用人不正之风的深刻洞察和整治这一问题的坚定决心。在今年11月召开的全国组织部长培训班上,中组部部长李源潮强调,要重视关心老实人、正派人、不巴结领导的人,防止任人唯亲、唯近。其实,这已不是李源潮第一次提出要重视“老实人”。今年5月27日,在全国组织系统推进“万名组织部长下基层”活动视频会议上,李源潮就曾强调:“组织部长主动与不跑不要的干部谈心沟通,跑官要官的就会受遏制,”老实人“吃亏的现象就会减少。”10月19日,他在《人民日报》再次撰文要求,要让“老实人”有被大家了解认识的机会。 Personnel selection is very important. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out: In accordance with the requirements of deepening the reform of the cadre and personnel system, it is necessary to correct the ethos of employing personnel and resolutely rectify the problems of running chief officials, buying officials and selling bribes, and so on. The tone of the tone reflects the party’s firm determination to solve the problem of profound insights and remediation of the unhealthy practices of the party. At the training session for the ministers of the national organizations held in November this year, Li Yuanchao, minister of the Central Organization Department, stressed the importance of paying attention to those who care about honest people, are honest and do not stop the leadership, and prevent cronyism. In fact, this is not the first time Li Yuanchao proposed to pay attention to “honest people.” On May 27 this year, at the video conference organized by the National System Organization to Promote the Activities of Grassroots Units under the Name of 10,000 Organizations, Li Yuanchao once emphasized: “The organization minister actively talks with cadres who do not run, Will be contained, ”honest people “ the phenomenon of loss will be reduced. ”October 19, he again wrote in the“ People’s Daily ”requirements, to let “ honest man ”has been known to everyone the opportunity .
本论文通过复合4-(6-丙烯酰氧基己氧基)苯甲酸(AHBA)与吡啶衍生物(ISIN、IMIN、SPIN和RPIN)制备了手性氢键复合物ISIN-AHBA, IMIN-AHBA, SPIN-AHBA和RPIN-AHBA。通过核磁共振
<正> 黄金冶炼最常用的方法是氰化法.早在一八八七年英格兰人麦克阿瑟和福雷斯特就第一次使用了这种方法.随着黄金需要量的增加,综合利用原料,从各种原料中提取金、银已受到