美国战术空军司令Mike Loh认为,先进中距空空导弹(AMRAAM)可以用来对付初始加速段的战术弹道导弹。 Loh在美国铸造者协会的一次专题讨论会上指出:如果AMRAAM可以在对方导弹开始的30~60秒飞行时间内发射出去,那么它就可以用作反战术弹道导弹防御。他还声称,AMRAAM可以从机载平台上发射。
US tactical air force commander Mike Loh believes that the advanced mid-range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM) can be used to deal with the initial acceleration of tactical ballistic missiles. Loh pointed out at a symposium by the American Foundry Association that AMRAAM can be used as an anti-tactical ballistic missile defense if it can be launched within 30 to 60 seconds of the start of each other’s missiles. He also claimed that AMRAAM can be launched from the airborne platform.