
来源 :广西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:littlebone
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各地区行署,各市、县、自治县人民政府,柳铁,区直各委、办、厅、局:为了更好地贯彻落实党的十四届五中全会提出的实现“两个根本性转变”、可持续发展战略和《中共中央、国务院关于加速科学技术进步的决定》,促进我区“科教兴桂”战略的实施,加速企业科技进步,自治区人民政府决定在全区开展评选“广西优秀科技型企业”活动。现就有关事项通知如下:一、评选对象和范围凡在广西境内的各类企业,企业产权明晰,守法经营,并已进行工商管理注册登记,符合评选优秀科技型企业基本条件的,均可推荐参加 Regional Administrative Offices, People’s Governments of Cities, Counties, and Autonomous Counties, Liu Tie, District Committees, Offices, Offices, and Bureaus: In order to better implement the implementation of the Party’s fourteenth session of the Fifth Plenary Session, “Two fundamental changes ”The sustainable development strategy and the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council on Accelerating Scientific and Technological Progress,” promoted the implementation of the strategy of “prospering Guangxi by science and education” in our region, and accelerated the progress of science and technology in enterprises. The People’s Government of the autonomous region decided to conduct the selection in the region. “Guangxi outstanding science and technology enterprises ” activities. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: 1. Who should be selected for the various categories of enterprises in Guangxi? The property rights of the enterprises are clarified, they are law-abiding, and they are registered with the business administration. Those that meet the basic conditions for selection of excellent technology-based enterprises can be recommended. participate
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如果把TCL与国外企业几次握手的滋味量化出来,也许能绘制出一条中国企业海外收购与运营的学习和成长曲线。 If TCL and foreign companies shake hands several times to qu
三氧化二砷作为牙髓炎失活剂,引起下唇麻木极为少见,我们遇有一例报告如下。 患者于某某,男,39岁。自述右下后牙阵发性疼痛,伴冷刺激加重数天。到某医院口腔科就诊。经查8近
本文介绍超声波料位仪在烧结生产的实际应用及常见故障。 This article describes the practical application of Ultrasonic Level Gauge in sintering production and com
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天空中布满了铅色的阴云,寒风咆哮个不停。天气就和天气预报说的一样——要下雪啦!开始下雪时,小小的雪飘落下来,轻柔地落到了地上,后来就只见银光亮闪的雪花从浓云密布的 T