梨园拾得旧时调 翻作新声唱断肠——习剧心得杂谈

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我与梨园戏,曾有一段不解之缘。儿时大户亲戚,每遇喜庆,宅上必演《苏秦》诸剧。季子落魄归来,妻不下机,嫂不为炊,头戴破毡帽,惶惶如丧家之犬,家人笑骂由之,亦令人生怜。有位疼我的长辈,移苏秦帽于我头上道:“秦呵不长进,偷拿师公印”,引得满堂大笑。我当时尚在母亲怀中咿哑学语,未解世情冷暖,只跟着傻笑。从此“憨秦”之绰号,随我至今。童稚旧景,早已不复记得,唯有高堂老母,于 I and pear orchard, there was a long absence. Large relatives in childhood, each occasion of festive, house will play “Su Qin” all the drama. Fall season return, his wife not under the machine, Sao not cook, wearing a broken felt hat, panic, such as the bereavement of the dog, the family laughed scolded, but also makes life pity. There is a pain my elders, moved to the cap of Qin Su said: “Qin does not grow into, stole the teacher’s seal”, attracted full of laughter. When I was mom in the arms of her mother, did not understand the situation, only with giggle. From this “foolish Qin” nickname, with me till now. Childish old scene, already no longer remember, only Gaotang mother, in
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