断代汝瓷 今有传人

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深夜,星光灿烂,河南省汝州市新嘉诚汝瓷开发公司总经理邢根立独自徘徊在办公室,低头沉思。他要为新开发的陶艺产品命名。这个名字既要内涵深刻,又要简明易记;既要传承不同时代的文化,又要追求人文与自然的和谐统一……突然,一个字眼跳进他的脑海:井!从小生长在中原 Late at night, starry, Ruzhou City, Henan Province, New Jiacheng Ru porcelain development company Xing Genli alone wandering in the office, bow pondering. He will name the newly developed pottery product. This name should not only profound meaning, but also concise and easy to remember; it is necessary to inherit the culture of different ages, but also the pursuit of harmony between man and nature and unity ... Suddenly, a word jumped into his mind: Well! Grew up in Central Plains
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