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电刷镀又称选择性电镀,起源于电槽镀。最早,槽镀工将导线接到包有破布的阳极杆上,浸上镀液,向紧靠阳极的被修处擦抹,这就是电刷镀的启蒙时期。在1948年至1960年期间,就陆续有电刷镀的论文发表,并相继在法、英、美等国研制出了电刷镀镀液及工具设备,还获得了相应的专利。我国应用电刷镀技术起步并不晚,但大面积推广应用至今仅有十多年的历史,在这十多年中发展很快,不仅在维修领域有突出成就,而且在其它领域也有许多应用。是国家“六五”、“七五”期间的重点推广项目。电刷镀技术的优点 1.电刷镀设备轻便,投资少,见效快。电刷镀的操作简便易学,有一定机械维修知识的人员,培训一周就可独立操作。还可到被修现场进行施镀,被镀工件尺寸也不受限制。如1988年,燕山石化公司化工二厂聚丙稀车间造粒机组主减速机箱体内主轴承座, Brush plating, also known as selective plating, originated in the cell plating. The earliest groove plating workers will lead the package received the rag pole anode rod, immersion bath, to the anode repair office wipe, this is the brush plating enlightenment period. Between 1948 and 1960, he published papers on brush plating one by one, and successively developed brush plating solutions and tools and equipment in France, Britain and the United States. He also obtained the corresponding patents. Application of brush plating technology in China started not too late, but a large area of ​​promotion and application of only 10 years of history so far, in more than a decade of rapid development, not only in the field of maintenance has made outstanding achievements, but also in many other applications . It is a key promotion project during the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” and “Seventh Five-Year Plan” of the country. The advantages of brush plating technology 1. Brush plating equipment lightweight, less investment, quick. Brush plating easy to operate, there is a certain knowledge of mechanical maintenance personnel, training can be independently operated a week. Can also be repaired field plating, the size of the workpiece is plated is not limited. Such as 1988, Yanshan Petrochemical Company Plant two polypropylene plant granulation unit main reducer chassis main bearing,
10月24日上午,中注协陈毓圭秘书长会见了来访的爱尔兰特许会计师协会(ICAI)执行总裁帕特.卡斯特罗先生(Mr.Pat Costello)一行。 On the morning of October 24, the SCO sec
利用光镜和电镜研究了热处理后 A508-3钢的各种显微组织。结果表明:在中等冷却速度(70—480℃/min)下组织为粒状贝氏体,经长时间高温回火后,不仅小岛发生分解,基体上还均匀析