依法征收 规范管理 扎实做好新形势下工会财务工作

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新年伊始,云南省总工会财务部全体人员恭祝全国各级工会干部马年快乐、身体健康、工作顺利、万事如意!2014年是全国各级工会贯彻落实中国工会第十六大精神的开局之年。云南省各级工会要按照中国工会十六大确定的今后五年工会财务工作总体要求,坚持依法聚财、科学理财,深化改革、完善制度,收好、管好、用好经费,为工运事业的创新发展奠定坚实的物质基础。 At the beginning of the new year, all staff from the financial department of the Yunnan Federation of Trade Unions wish the Year of the Horse Happy, healthy, successful and all the best in all the country’s trade union cadres. 2014 is the beginning of the trade unions at all levels across the country to implement the 16th Congress of the Chinese Trade Unions year. The trade unions at all levels in Yunnan Province should, in accordance with the general requirements of the financial work of the trade unions for the next five years set by the 16th CPC Congress, adhere to the principle of gathering money according to law, scientifically managing finances, deepening reforms, perfecting the system, collecting funds, managing well and making good use of funds, The innovative development of the business has laid a solid material foundation.
AIM:To study the value of monitoring K-ras point mutationat codon 12 and telomerase activity in exfoliated cellsobtained from pancreatic duct brushings during
以黄海及其邻区为研究对象 ( 32~ 4 2°N ,1 2 0~ 1 30°E) ,以研究区的空间重力异常、布格重力异常和地震层析成像数据为基础 ,在研究区中分辨出方向各异的主要断裂带并给出它
一部电视剧激发和造就了一位成熟能干的女商人。母亲的努力奋争,为女儿们树立了榜样,面对天灾人祸,市场竞争,姊妹花激流勇进,开创出新一代的建材市场。请看: A TV series in
AIM:To study the diagnostic significance of K-ras genemutations in fecal samples from elderly patients with largeintestinal cancer.METHODS:DNA was extracted in