王陵母墓何处寻 云龙公园东北隅

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云龙公园位于云龙风景区,东临云龙山,南靠云龙湖,西接苏堤路,是徐州的城中公园,面积361亩,其中水面面积120亩。1959年开始筹建,是我市较早开发建成、规模较大的综合性公园,年游客量100万人次左右。 云龙公园在解放前,是耶稣教和佛教基地,1958年徐州市人民政府,为满足广大市民文化生活的需要,动员全市人民进行义务劳动,置水榭、辟花圃、堆山岛、建桥廊、广植树,逐步形成了供游客观赏花卉、餐饮游乐、闲暇散步的一个优美场所。它采用自然式的园林布局手法改建而成,有盆景园、知春岛、荷花厅水榭、假山花廊、花圃、游乐场、王陵母墓等七个景区组成。 盆景园区,又名“艺林”。位于公园东大门内北侧,是我市独具特色的盆景专类园,占地面积13800平方米,水面面积4300平方米。1982年建成开放,建筑物为岭南派风格,山水相映成趣,景点错落有致,趺宕起伏,触目皆景,入诗入画。展室内有树桩、山水、微型盆景三个展区,陈列和展出三千余件盆景作品,有粗扩豪放、古朴自然、苍劲 Yunlong Park is located in Yunlong Scenic Area, east of Yunlong Mountain, south of Yunlong Lake, and west of Sudi Road. It is a city park in Xuzhou with an area of ​​361 acres, of which the water area is 120 acres. The preparation for construction started in 1959. It is a comprehensive park that was developed and built relatively early in the city. The annual tourist population is about 1 million. Before the liberation of Yunlong Park, it was a base for Jesus teaching and Buddhism. In 1958, the People’s Government of Xuzhou City mobilized the people of the city to undertake compulsory labor, set up a water garden, provided a flower garden, piled a mountain island, and built a bridge corridor to meet the needs of the general public’s cultural life. Widely planting trees, gradually formed a beautiful place for tourists to watch flowers, dining pleasures, leisure walking. It adopts a natural garden layout method and consists of seven scenic spots: Bonsai Garden, Zhichun Island, Lotus Hall Shuizi, rockery flower gallery, flower garden, playground, and Mausoleum of the Mausoleum. Bonsai Park, also known as “Arts Lin.” Located on the north side of the park’s east gate, it is a unique bonsai garden in the city. It covers an area of ​​13,800 square meters and has a surface area of ​​4,300 square meters. Opened in 1982, the building is a style of the Lingnan School. The scenery is in harmony with each other. The attractions are well-distributed, ups and downs, striking scenes, and paintings. There are three exhibition areas for tree stumps, landscapes and miniature bonsai in the exhibition room. There are more than 3,000 pieces of bonsai works on display and exhibition. They are bold and bold, simple and natural, and vigorous.
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