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五月一日出版的‘學習’杂誌上刊載了一篇‘关於对事務工作的認識问题。’编者加按语说:‘這是楊獻珍同志於一九四七年一月十二日在晋察冀中央局黨校总務處黨的小组会上的講話,對於今天許多從事行政事務工作的同志和其他同志都仍然有很大的幫助。’我读了該文之後,覺得編者的意見是很對的。在這篇文章里楊献珍同志正確地批判了對事務工作的某些錯誤認識。他主要指出的是:認为事務工作是‘下三赖工作’,是‘当奴才’,不算為人民服務。以致有经驗的不願意幹,想調動工作,沒有經驗的認為不好幹,也不樂意干等等思想都是不正確的。他引用了少奇同志下面的一段話來批判 Published in the May 1 issue of ’Learning’ magazine published an ’on the issue of understanding the work of the issue. The editor added: "This is a speech made by Comrade Yang Hsien-tien on January 16, 1947, at the party group meeting of the General Affairs Department of the CPC Central Committee and the government of the Jin-Cha-CPC Central Committee. For many of today’s comrades engaged in administrative work and Other comrades still have a great help. ’I read the article, I think the editor’s opinion is right. In this article, Comrade Yang Xianzhen correctly criticized some mistaken ideas about the work of the party. He mainly pointed out: They think that the work of affairs is ’under the reliance of the three jobs’, ’being a slave,’ and not serving the people. As a result, those who are experienced do not want to do anything, they want to move their jobs, those who are inexperienced think that they are not good at doing things, they are not willing to do anything, and others are incorrect. He cites the following passage from Comrade Shaoqi to criticize
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