Example 1. Shemou, female, 27 years old, married, driver. April 24, 1986 to subcutaneous found nodules more than 7 months, ventilation 2 admission. In early 1984 the stool row of white sections, 1.5 years later, noodles, neck, arms subcutaneous nodules appear six soybean, biopsy diagnosis of subcutaneous tissue cysticercosis. Serving betel nut decoction discharge 4m long flatworm 1, head section microscopic examination for tapeworm. Take a course of praziquantel subcutaneous nodules to reduce. Has been ventilation 2 times. Head CT diagnosis of cerebral cysticercosis. Often headache, but also hospital treatment. Physical examination left submandibular fossa, subcutaneous nodules 2. Diagnosis: 1. Subcutaneous tissue cysticercosis; 2. Cerebral cysticercosis. Take albendazole 0.25g, 6h once, prednisone 5mg, 3 times a day for a total of 10 days. After the withdrawal on the 10th, starting from the top of hair loss, hair, scratching his head when a large bundle of hair off. Serum cystine 0.1g, 3 times a day, hair loss