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想把你的钱管得更好一点吗?你有必要每年做10项功课。1.前瞻预测每年11月或12月,列一份理财目标清单。估算一下为实现每一项财务目标你已经筹备了多少资金,以及你最终还需要多少。要弥补这两个数字之间的差额不仅要看你的储蓄额度,而且还要看你什么时候需用钱,以 Want to manage your money better? You need to do 10 homework each year. 1. Prospective forecast Each year in November or December, a list of financial goals. Estimate how much money you have already prepared for each financial goal, and how much you ultimately need. To make up for the difference between these two numbers depends not only on your savings, but also on when you need money to
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。童年像一串糖葫芦@学良@王鼎南 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Ch
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
我院是一所区级综合性基层医院,只有一间手术间,手术室的工作人员少,工作任务重。由于我们加强了手术室的各项管理,多年来,未发生1例差错事故,现将体会总结如下。 1 严格执
A new method of parameter identification based on linear time-frequency representation andHilbert transform is proposed to identify modal parameters of linear
1.历史也许会以进两步、退一步的方式螺旋式前进,某代人可能会在那倒退的一步中度过倒霉的一生,但我相信在所有的专制者中,时间是最专制的那一个。很多时候,人类一不小心误会了自己,把自己想象得太過聪明,或者不够聪明,而时间总是不疾不徐地将误会澄清。  ——刘瑜《观念的水位》  2.时间的车轮永不停歇,碾过一世世没落与繁华,碾过一幕幕悲喜,碾过花开花落、流水潺潺……你若拿生命去和时间赛跑,你注定失败;你若
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
我听过很多小夜曲。然而,每次回想,耳边却总飘来海顿在十八世纪60年代中写在他的 F 大调第17四重奏(作品三之5)中题为“如歌的行板”的第二乐章。自从第一次听到它,这段悠扬