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“四五”普法回顾 2001年4月28日,九届全国人大常委会第二十一次会议作出《关于进一步开展法制宣传教育的决议》。此前,中共中央、国务院批转了《中央宣传部、司法部关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育的第四个五年规划》。在党中央、全国人大和国务院的正确领导下,在广大法制宣传教育工作者长期辛苦工作、无私奉献下,在社会各界的热情支持、广泛参与下,“四五”普法工作进展顺利,成绩斐然,达到了预期目标:一是全体公民的宪法和法律意识进一步增强;二是领导干部依法执政、依法决策的能力进一步增强;三是公务员依法行政、公正司法的意识进一步增强;四是青少年法律素质进一步增强;五是企业经营管理人员依法经营、依法管理的自觉性进一步增强;六是全社会法治管理水平进一步提高。 On the April 17, 2001, the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress made the “Resolution on Further Promoting Legal Publicity and Education.” Earlier, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council approved the “Proposal of the Fourth Central Five-Year Plan for Promoting Legal Publicity and Education among Citizens” by the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Justice. Under the correct leadership of the Central Party Committee, the NPC and the State Council, with the hardworking and selfless dedication of the majority of legal publicity and education workers and the enthusiastic support and extensive participation of all sectors of society, the popularization of legal work has progressed smoothly in the “four or five” The achievements have been impressive and the expected goals have been achieved: First, the constitutional and legal awareness of all citizens has been further strengthened; second, the leading cadres’ ability to govern according to law and to decision-making according to law has been further enhanced; thirdly, civil servants have become more aware of judicatory administration of justice and fair judiciary; fourthly, The quality of law is further enhanced; the fifth is that the business management personnel of the enterprise operate in accordance with the law and the consciousness of managing according to law is further strengthened; and the management level of the rule of law in the whole society is further enhanced.
中华人民共和国教育部研制的《普通高中历史课程标准 (实验 )》已正式颁布 ,这是多年来基础教育课程改革的新成果 ,该标准与原有的历史教学大纲相比较 ,在课程性质基本理念与
河南省鹿邑县第三高级中学的朱勇同学来信说自己在解“排列组合”时 ,因思路不同 ,结果也不同 ,但都有道理 ,希望本刊予以辨析 .下面是他举出的一个例子 .例 1 同室四人各写
【编辑留言】谁家都不愿意出死人的事,要是再加上债务纠纷,就更麻烦了。这个案子很特别,债务、潜逃、单位等等,悉数登场。理在哪里?我们 [Edit Message] No one wants to di