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目的研究银翘散的抗病毒作用及最佳煎煮时间。方法 72只BALB/c小鼠随机分为银翘散3、6、12分钟组及空白对照组、模型对照组、阳性对照组,每组12只。除空白对照组外,其他各组小鼠以15LD50甲型流感病毒鼠肺适应株FM1滴鼻感染,每只0.05 ml。银翘散3、6、12分钟组在感染当天灌胃给予相应的银翘散煎煮液(分别煎煮3、6、12分钟),每天1次,每次0.5 ml,给药7天;阳性对照组灌胃给予磷酸奥司他韦胶囊27.5 mg/(kg·d);空白对照组、模型对照组小鼠灌胃给予0.2 ml/10 g蒸馏水。比较各组小鼠第3、7天时肺指数、肺指数抑制率及脾指数,并检测小鼠肺组织中相对病毒载量。结果与空白对照组比较,模型对照组第3天、第7天时肺指数及肺组织病毒载量均明显升高(P<0.05);与模型对照组比较,第3天时阳性对照组和银翘散3、6分钟组肺指数均明显降低,第7天时阳性对照组和银翘散各组小鼠肺指数、病毒载量明显降低(P<0.05)。各组小鼠第3天和第7天脾指数比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。第3天和第7天,银翘散3分钟组肺指数抑制率、病毒抑制率与阳性对照组最为接近。结论银翘散对甲型流感病毒鼠肺适应株FM1感染小鼠具有较好的抗病毒作用,煎煮时间以3~6分钟效果最佳。 Objective To study the anti-virus effect and the best boiling time of Yinqiaosan. Methods 72 BALB / c mice were randomly divided into three groups: Yinqiaosan 3,6,12 minutes, blank control group, model control group and positive control group, with 12 rats in each group. Except for the blank control group, the other mice in each group were intranasally infected with 15LD50 influenza A mice lung-adapted strain FM1, each with 0.05 ml each. Yinqiao San 3, 6, 12 min group were given the corresponding Yinqiao San decoction by gavage on the day of infection (3, 6 and 12 min respectively) once a day for 0.5 ml for 7 days. The positive control group was orally administered with oseltamivir phosphate 27.5 mg / (kg · d). The blank control group and the model control group mice were intragastrically given 0.2 ml / 10 g distilled water. The pulmonary index, pulmonary index inhibition rate and spleen index were compared on the 3rd and 7th day in each group of mice, and the relative viral load in the lung tissue of the mice was detected. Results Compared with the blank control group, the lung index and lung tissue viral load in the model control group were significantly increased on the 3rd and 7th day (P <0.05). Compared with the model control group, the positive control group and the Yinqiao Pulmonary index in 3 and 6 minutes group were significantly decreased. On the 7th day, the pulmonary index and viral load in the positive control group and Yinqiaosan group were significantly decreased (P <0.05). There was no significant difference in spleen index between the 3rd and 7th day in each group (P> 0.05). The third and seventh days, Yinqiao scattered 3 minutes lung index inhibition rate, the virus inhibition rate and the positive control group closest to. Conclusion Yinqiao Powder has an excellent antiviral effect on FM1-infected mice induced by influenza A virus. The decocting time is best at 3-6 minutes.
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《夸父逐日》是一篇文言文,因为文体的特殊性,所以我在朗读教学的设计上也作了一些特别的尝试,希望学生可以借此品味出文言文的独特味道。课堂上,我依次出示《夸父逐日》文本的不同呈现方式,让学生始终处于高度兴奋的学习状态。每一个学生的眼睛都是发亮的,每一个学生的嘴巴都是笑咧着的。他们在享受朗读学习带来的快乐!  一、在课堂挑战中产生朗读兴趣  德国教育家第斯多惠认为:教学的艺术不在于传授本领,而在于激励、