伊宁公交:深化改革 生机无限

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新疆伊宁市公共汽车公司创业于1964年,靠三辆公共汽车起家。近年来,他们发扬自力更生,艰苦创业精神,抓住机遇勇于开拓,深化改革,让伊宁公交插上腾飞的翅膀,社会经济效益连年创佳绩。到2001年底,公司已拥有营运车辆178辆(其中中巴138辆)。公司通过实行股份制,经营管理机制进一步完善,职工积极性空前高涨,原有归车全部更新,同时新增车开辟新线,新建了保修停车场地及站点设施,为今后发展打下了坚实基础。多年来公司先后被评为州、地、市先进企业、自治区精神文明单位,连续两年荣获自治区域市天山杯竞赛公交优胜奖杯,被建设部评为优质服务先进企业。为管理好中巴,公司经多年实践探索不断总结改进,推出一整套大承包管理办法。其要点是,各车队向公司签订经济目标责任书, Yining City, Xinjiang bus company started in 1964, relying on three buses started. In recent years, they have promoted self-reliance and arduous pioneering spirit, seized the opportunity to open up courageously and deepened the reform so that Yining's public transport could take off and take off. Their social and economic benefits have been on the rise in recent years. By the end of 2001, the company already had 178 operating vehicles (including 138 from CMB). Through the implementation of the shareholding system and further improvement of its management mechanism, the enthusiasm of the staff and workers has been on an unprecedented rise. All the original updates were made to the vehicles while new cars were added to open up new lines and newly-built bonded parking lots and site facilities laid a solid foundation for future development. Over the years the company has been rated as state, prefecture and municipal advanced enterprises, autonomous regions and spiritual units, won the autonomous region Tianshan Cup competition for two consecutive years the public transport win trophy, Ministry of Construction was rated as advanced service quality services. In order to manage China-Pakistan, the company continued to summarize and improve after many years of practice exploration and launched a set of management measures for large-scale contracts. The point is that the teams signed a letter of responsibility for economic goals to the company,
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