
来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qmdx521
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1 医疗保健机构在卫生防病工作中的地位和作用 依据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法实施办法》附则的规定,医疗保健机构:指医院、卫生院(所)、门诊部(所)、疗养院(所)、妇幼保健院(站)及与上述机构业务活动相同的单位。其卫生防病工作的主要任务为两部分:(1)医疗保健机构自身的卫生防病管理,即指依据国家、省、市有关卫生防病法律、法规和规范,在从事医疗卫生保健服务活动中应履行的卫生防病责 1 The status and role of health care organizations in health and disease prevention work is based on the provisions of the Annex of the “Measures for the Implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases.” Health care institutions: hospitals, health centers (hospitals), outpatient departments (institutions), nursing homes (Institutions), Maternal and Child Health Hospitals (stations) and the same units as the above-mentioned organizations. The main tasks of its work on health and disease prevention are two parts: (1) The health and disease prevention management of health care institutions means that they are engaged in medical and health care service activities based on national, provincial, and municipal health and disease prevention laws, regulations, and regulations. Health and disease prevention and management responsibilities
为了比较三硫磷、乐果及杀螟硫磷的药效,我们于1964年在上海农药研究所试验场进行了盆栽和小区试验,兹将结果报导如下。 一、试验方法及结果 做试药剂:25%三硫磷乳剂(上海农
1964年黑点银纹夜蛾Plusia nigrisigna Walker在甘肃省不少地区豌豆地内猖獗为害。陇南各地尤甚,以成县为例:几乎遍及全县山、川地带所有公社。有些地块的幼虫每平方米达278
在自然或半控制的情况下观察水稻三化螟的繁殖力及存活率,对发生数量、为害程度的预测很有参考价值。我们在这方面进行了长期观察,有几种方法比较简便,介绍如下: 一、产卵量