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小康建设是涉及政治、经济、文化、社会各个领域的一项综合性的系统工程。中共围场满族蒙古族自治县委注重发动各级干部和社会各界人士围绕小康建设广泛开展调查研究,使小康建设扎实稳步地向前推进。一、领导带头搞调研。去年初,县委在确定以小康建设总揽农村工作全局的思路后,要求领导干部要带头每月抽出几天时间开展调研工作,有重点地解决问题,特别是对较大的工作部置,要提前集中力量调查研究情况,以保证决策科学可行。为此,去年县委曾三次组织各级领导干部围绕小康建设的各个方面开展调研活动,有效地指导了工作。8月上旬,县委根据省委书记程维高到围场视察工作的 A well-to-do construction is a comprehensive systematic project involving various fields of politics, economy, culture and society. The CPC Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County Committee paid great attention to mobilizing cadres at all levels and people from all walks of life to carry out extensive investigations and studies around the well-to-do society so that the well-off society will be solidly and steadily moved forward. First, the leaders take the lead in research. At the beginning of last year, the county party committee, after confirming the idea of ​​overall situation of rural work in a moderately prosperous construction, demanded that leading cadres should take the lead in extracting a few days a month for carrying out investigation and research work and resolving problems emphatically, especially for large working units Concentrate on investigating and studying the situation so as to ensure scientific and feasible decision-making. To this end, last year, the county party committee has organized leading cadres at all levels three times to carry out research activities in all aspects of building a well-off society and effectively guided the work. In early August, the county party committee secretary Cheng Weigao to the yard inspection work
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各位同仁 :我国发现和利用人参已有 40 0 0多年历史 ,可以说 ,中国是世界上最早发现和生产人参的国家 ,目前栽培面积和产量均居世界首位。吉林省是中国人参的主产区 ,其产量
王雷,1972年生,辽宁锦县人,1995年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,现为渤海大学艺术与传媒学院副院长、美术系主任,副教授,硕士研究生导师。 Wang Lei, born in 1972, Jinxian County,
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