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全球最高规格的作曲选拔赛、有国际奥林匹克作曲大赛之称的“大师奖“组委会8月6日在伦敦宣布进 入第二届国际作曲“大师奖”最后决赛的五部作品名单。来自中国的著名作曲家陈其钢先生的大型管弦乐组 曲《五行》从上千部作品中脱颖而出,闯进决赛圈,是进入决赛的唯一中国作曲家。决赛音乐会将于2001年10 月10日在伦敦举行,由著名的伦敦交响乐团在巴比肯艺术中心音乐厅现场演奏五首决赛作品,并当场评选 国际作曲“大师奖”首创于1996年,由英国广播公司(BBC)、EMI唱片公司和伦敦交响乐团共同发起创 办,旨在最大限度地拉近听众与专业作曲家的距离;同时通过这种大规模的音乐作品选拔评选活动,使专家 们更多地了解普通听众的趣味所在。首届大赛于1998年举行,吸引着全球众多优秀作曲家参赛,竞争异常激 烈,同时深受广大作曲爱、演奏家、新闻界和听众的好评和欢迎,使得“大师奖”一举成名,成为当今国际乐坛 规模最大、影响最广的交响乐作品选拔大赛,是作曲界的奥林匹克大赛;被誉为严肃音乐的“奥斯卡奖”和“诺 贝尔作曲奖”,此外,这项赛事也是全球奖金额最高的作曲大赛,一等奖奖金总额达三万英镑。 The world’s highest standard of composition and selection contest, the International Olympic Composition Competition known as the “Grand Prize” Organizing Committee announced in London on August 6 in the second session of the composer “Grand Prix” final list of five works. The famous Chinese composer Mr. Chen Qigang’s large-scale orchestra, “Five Elements,” stood out from thousands of works and broke into the finals, making it the only Chinese composer to enter the final. The final concert will be held on October 10, 2001 in London. The famous London Symphony Orchestra will perform five finalists live at the Music Hall of the Barbican, and the first selection of the International Composer Grand Prize was premiered in 1996. Founded by the BBC, EMI Records and the London Symphony Orchestra, the event aims to maximize the distance between listeners and professional composers. At the same time, through this large-scale selection of music works, the experts Learn more about the fun of ordinary listeners. The first competition was held in 1998 and attracted many outstanding composers from all over the world. The competition was extremely fierce. At the same time, it was well received and welcomed by the majority of composers’ love, performer, press and audience. As a result, the “Master Award” The largest and most influential symphony choral competition in the music industry is the Olympic competition in the field of composition. The Academy Awards and the Nobel Prize for Composers, which are regarded as serious music, are also the highest composing songs in the world. Competition, the first prize prize money amounted to thirty thousand pounds.
<正>美国对金星的探测美国于1961年7月22日发射“水手1号”金星探测器,升空不久因偏离航向,只好自行引爆。 1962年8月27日,美国的“水手2号”金星探测器发射成功。同年12月14
唱片时间实在是短,光看说明书就觉得买这张唱片不太合算,而听过以后呢,更觉得短了,为什么?波格雷里奇弹得太好了! Record time is really short, just look at the manual