
来源 :天津市政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haisangpiao
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为了作好天津市卫生工作,我们参照中央卫生会议的精神,于五一年一月二十六日召开了天津市卫生会议。兹将会议情况与收获扼要报告。会议共开了三天,出席会议的代表共一九○名;代表中有预防工作者八十二名;医疗工作者七十二名;医学教育及其他卫生工作者三十六名。其中卫生技术人员占百分之七十二;非技术人员占百分之二十八。会议中传达了中央卫生会议的精神与决议,报告了四九年及五○年津市卫生工作的成绩与缺点,传达了五一年津市卫生工作的计划;并有重点的讨论通过了私立医院、诊所对贫苦市民免费治疗等四个提案。开会前共收到全市卫生工作者提案五九三件,经综合为二二○件,计有关医政药政的九十二件;保健的三十八件;环境卫生的五十一件;中医药的十八件;其他二十一件。其中关于增设医疗机构及建立医护学校培养卫生人员的占了最大多数;还有对本市卫生工作提出批评与建议的:如批评对妇幼保健工作重视不够,对各医疗机构的工作不深入,检查不积极改进等;如建议设立预防机构,重视生命统计,医师鉴定,药品化验等。这些提案都经过缜密研究及党委会的讨论,除几个重要的提交会议讨论决议外,并都分别已办、可办、缓办、不能办、留作参考研究的五类,明确的作了交代。此次会议的主要收获如下:一、通过这个会议贯彻了“面向工农兵”的方针,全市卫生工作者从思想上认清了卫生工作必须面向工农兵。正如代表们发言中说:“没有工农我们就无法生活;没有解放军我们就不能过好日子,因此,我们医务人员,必须为工农兵服务”;“过去我们只给富人治病,看不起穷苦劳动人民,现在我们要转变给穷人治病,热爱劳动人民。”其次,讨 In order to make Tianjin’s health work well, we consulted the spirit of the Central Health Conference and held the Tianjin Municipal Health Conference on January 26, The meeting will be the situation and harvest the main report. The meeting was open for three days with a total of 190 delegates attending the meeting; 82 preventive workers among the delegates; 72 medical workers; and 36 medical education and other health workers. Health and technical personnel accounted for 72%; non-technical personnel accounted for 28%. The meeting conveyed the spirit and resolutions of the Central Sanitation Conference, reported on the achievements and shortcomings of the city’s health work in 1949 and the year of 2010, and conveyed the plan for the city’s public health work in 1991; Hospitals, clinics free treatment for poor citizens and other four proposals. A total of 5,993 proposals for health workers from the city were received before the meeting. After a total of 220 pieces of items were enumerated, there were 92 pieces of medicine, medicine and medicine, 38 pieces of health care, 51 pieces of environmental hygiene, Eighteen Chinese medicine; the other twenty-one. Among them, the increase of medical institutions and the establishment of health care schools to train health personnel accounted for the largest majority; there are criticisms and suggestions for the city’s health work: criticism of maternal and child health care is not enough emphasis on the work of various medical institutions is not in-depth, the inspection is not Positive improvement, etc .; if the proposed establishment of preventive agencies, emphasis on vital statistics, physician identification, drug testing. All these proposals have been carefully studied and discussed by the Party committees. Except for a few important proposals submitted to the conferences for discussion and resolution, these proposals have been separately formulated, dealt with and mitigated, and can not be taken as the five categories for reference and made clear Explain. The main achievements of this meeting are as follows: First, through this meeting, we have implemented the principle of “facing the workers, peasants and soldiers”. The city’s health workers ideologically recognized that health work must be geared toward the workers, peasants and soldiers. As the delegates said: “We can not live without workers and peasants. Without the People’s Liberation Army we can not live a good life. Therefore, we medical personnel must serve the workers, peasants and soldiers.” “In the past, we only gave the rich people medical treatment, Despise the poor working people, now we have to transform the poor to cure the sick and love the working people. ”Secondly,