駁倒謬論 大搞深耕——荆州专区国营农場冬播准备工作忙

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荊州專区農管会最近召开了二次全区49个國营農場的書記、場長和机务隊長会議,專門研究了1958年的冬播工作。全專区農場計划今年冬播722,102畝(包括绿肥),占总面積的83%,計划畝產量:小麥1,700斤,試驗田4万—5万斤;大麥1,500斤;蚕豆1,500斤;油菜1,000斤。按專区的指标計算,除去油料,粮食总產量可达6億斤。而各場的規則指标更高,如五三、江北等場的小麥計划畝產双千斤。因此,全区的口号是:單產突破双千,总產超过六億。会上,各场交流总結了丰產經驗,指出在本專区的情况下实現冬播作物高產的主要措施有二条: Jingzhou Special Zone Agricultural Management Association recently held a meeting of the 49 state-owned farms in the second district, including the secretary, the head of the fleet and the captain of the mechanized aircraft, specializing in the winter sowing work in 1958. Whole area farms plan this winter sowing 722,102 acres (including green manure), accounting for 83% of the total area, plans mu production: wheat 1,700 pounds, experimental field 40,000 -5 million pounds; barley 1,500 pounds; broad bean 1,500 pounds; rape 1,000 pounds. Calculated according to the index of the zone, the total output of grain is up to 600 million kg, excluding fuel oil. The rules of the field higher index, such as the May Third, Jiangbei and other fields planted wheat per mu double kilogram. Therefore, the slogan of the whole region is that the yield has exceeded 2,000 and the total output has exceeded 600 million. At the meeting, the exchanges summed up the experience of high yield and pointed out that there are two major measures to realize the winter-sowing crop’s high yield under the conditions of this special zone:
在介绍智能卡历史沿革、复合卡的基础上,阐述了智能卡应用技术和发展趋势,着重分析了RFID、软件技术、安全架构等智能卡的关键技术。 On the basis of introducing the hist
同志们: 请让我首先代表人民解放军总部、代表农垦部全图农牧场50万职工向同志们表示慰问和热烈的欢迎。现在的国际形势是东风压倒了西风,以苏联为首的社会主义阵营的力量已
针对我省公益林建设现状、经营模式作了分析后,提出了生态公益林经营对策与措施。 According to the present situation of public welfare forest construction in our prov