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自1985年 Backlund 等首次对帕金森氏病患者施实自体肾上腺髓质脑内移植术以来,接受此种手术者已逾200例,约半数患者有一时性的不同程度的效果。但长期观察发现,即使是这种效果,也多逐渐减弱,而且,剖检病例也未证实有嗜铬细胞的生存。由于肾上腺髓质的嗜铬细胞不仅具有产生儿茶酚胺的能力,而且含有神经节苷脂、纤维母细胞生长因子(FGF)等营养因子,故设法提高其生存率是目前神经组织移植术的最大课题之一。迄今,围绕提高移植肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞生存上的问题,已做了大量工作。体外试验发现,在无肾上腺皮质激素存在的情况下,通过添加神经细胞生长因子(NGF),可使嗜铬细胞突起伸长,并产生神经细胞样分化。根据这种现象,str(?)mberg 等应用微型泵向移植到大鼠纹状体内的肾上腺髓质组织中缓慢输入 NGF,结果发现,这不仅提高了移植嗜铬细胞的生存率,使宿主纹状体明显地受神经的支配,而且在行为学上也 Since 1985 when Backlund et al first performed autologous adrenal medullary transplantation in patients with Parkinson’s disease, more than 200 patients underwent such surgery, and about half of them had transient and varying degrees of effect. However, long-term observation found that, even this effect, but also gradually weakened, and, autopsy cases also did not confirm the existence of pheochromocytosis. As the adrenal medullary chromaffin cells not only have the ability to produce catecholamines, but also contains ganglioside, fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and other nutritional factors, so trying to improve their survival rate is the largest issue of nerve tissue transplantation one. So far, a great deal of work has been done on improving the survival of transplanted adrenal medullary cells. In vitro experiments found that in the absence of adrenocorticotropic hormone in the case, by adding nerve cell growth factor (NGF), can make pheochromocytoprosthetic protrusion and produce neuron-like differentiation. According to this phenomenon, str (?) Mberg and other micro-pumps to the rat transplanted into the adrenal medulla tissue slowly NGF transplanted into the body, found that this not only improves the survival of transplanted chromaffin cells, so that the host pattern The body is obviously dominated by the nerves, but also in behavior
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