Clinical Report on Californium-252 Neutron Intraluminal Brachytherapy Combined with External Irradia

来源 :Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongfuhei
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OBJECTIVE To observe the curative effects and complications of californium-252 (252Cf) neutron intraluminal brachytherapy (IBT) combined with external irradiation (El) for treatment of cervical carcinoma. METHODS From December 2000 to December 2004, 128 cases of cervical carcinoma staged intoⅡA-ⅢB according to the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) standards were treated with 2S2Cf neutron IBT using 8-10 Gy per fraction, once a week. The total dose at reference A point was 36-40 Gy in 4-5 fractions. From the second day after 252Cf neutron IBT treatment, the whole pelvic cavity was treated with 60Coγ-ray El, applying 2 Gy per fraction, 4 times per week. After 20-25 Gy of El, the center of the whole pelvic field was blocked with 4 cm of lead in width. The total dose of El was 45-50 Gy. RESULTS The short-term therapeutic effects were CR 95.3% and PR 4.7%. The 3 and 5-year local control rates were 93.5% and 87.9%. The overall 3-year survival rate was 87.5% and for StagesⅡandⅢ, 90.9% and 81.5% respectively; the overall 5-year survival rate was 70% and for StagesⅡandⅢ, 76.2% and 61% respectively. The rate of radiation complications was 4.7% for radiation cystitis, 7.8% for radiation proctitis, 6.3% for vagina contracture and adhesion and 5.5% for protracted radiation proctitis. CONCLUSION An combination of 252Cf neutron IBT with El for treatment of cervical carcinoma can be well -tolerated by cervical carcinoma patients. The rate of local tumor control is high and radiation complications are few. OBJECTIVE To observe the curative effects and complications of californium-252 (252Cf) neutron intraluminal brachytherapy (IBT) combined with external irradiation (El) for treatment of cervical carcinoma. METHODS From December 2000 to December 2004, 128 cases of cervical carcinoma staged into IIA- IIIB according to the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) standards were treated with 2S2Cf neutron IBT using 8-10 Gy per fraction, once a week. The total dose at reference A point was 36-40 Gy in 4-5 fractions. From the second day after 252Cf neutron IBT treatment, the whole pelvic cavity was treated with 60 Co gamma-ray El, 2 Gy per fraction, 4 times per week. After 20-25 Gy of El, the center of the whole pelvic field was blocked The total dose of El was 45-50 Gy. RESULTS The short-term therapeutic effects were CR 95.3% and PR 4.7%. The 3 and 5-year local control rates were 93.5% and 87.9% The overall 3-year survival rate was 87.5% an The overall 5-year survival rate was 70% and for Stages II and III, 76.2% and 61% respectively. The rate of radiation complications was 4.7% for radiation cystitis, 7.8% for radiation proctitis, 6.3% for vagina contracture and adhesion and 5.5% for protracted radiation proctitis. CONCLUSION An combination of 252Cf neutron IBT with El for treatment of cervical carcinoma can be well-placed by cervical carcinoma patients. The rate of local tumor control is high and radiation complications are few.
外甥陈波考取了一所“985”重点大学的研究生。暑假期间,陈波主动要求去他爸所在的公司当搬运工,一是为了挣学费,二是想锻炼心智、提高体能,体会父辈工作的艰辛。  姐夫没有专业技能,但有一副结实身板,进城打工瞄准了搬运工这个行当,一干就是八年。虽然搬运工相对挣得多,但也特别费体力。陈波这样做,是不是意欲子承父业呢?  老板面试时,看到陈波戴着眼镜,白白净净,一副文弱书生的样子,心存犹豫。最后,姐夫担保