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植树造林是我们中华民族的传统美德,我们勤劳勇敢的祖先对此早就十分重视。早在公元前1000多年西周时期,国家就设立了“林衡”、“山虞”等官职。甚至明文规定“不树者,无椁”即不种树的人死后连薄皮棺材都没有。在《诗经》中也大量提到树,以树喻人,以树喻情,赞扬种树的美德,讽刺鞭挞毁树的可耻,如《诗经·魏风;伐檀》就以辛辣的笔锋鞭笞了毁树造车的可耻行径。 公元166年,东汉崔寰著的《四民月令》主要阐述了种植蚕桑、蔬果、树木等的性别差异和繁育种植。这是我国一部有关植树造林和繁殖育种的理论专著。 到了公元185年,北魏孝文帝时不仅要求植树,连品种数量都有具体规定;“男夫一人,给田二十亩,课莳余,种桑五十树,枣五殊、榆三根……限三年种毕,不毕,夺其不毕之地。”北魏贾思勰的《齐民要术》概括了当 Tree planting and afforestation is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. Our industrious and courageous ancestors attached great importance to this long ago. As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty in more than 1000 BC, the state established “Lin Heng” and “Shan Yu” and other officials. Even plainly stipulated that “no tree, no barren” that is not planted tree even after the death of thin coffins are not. In the “Book of Songs” also referred to a large number of trees, to tree metaphor, tree metaphor, praising the virtues of planting trees, satirical disgrace shameful tree destroying, such as “Book of Song Wei Feng; Vatan” with a spicy pen whip The shameful act of destroying trees. In 166 AD, the “Four People’s Months” written by Cui Huan of the Eastern Han Dynasty mainly described the gender differences and breeding of silkworms, fruits and vegetables and trees. This is a monograph on the theory of tree planting and breeding in China. To the year 185, when the Northern Wei Xiaowen Di not only requires planting trees, even the number of varieties have specific provisions; “male one man, to Tian twenty acres, class doshow, mulberry fifty trees, jujube five special, Yu three ...... Limited to three years, not completed, won its best. ”Northern Wei Jia Sifu’s“ Qi Min Yao Shu ”summarized when
由化工部晨光化工研究院一分院负责,成都科技大学、科学院化学所、轻工部塑化局和国家建材局北京玻璃钢研究所参加,共同起草的《塑料对应术语》国家标准,经 By the Ministr
美《医学世界新闻》第20卷第24期(1979年)第20页报道蒙特利尔消息:耶鲁大学的医生们 20th Century Medical News 20 (24) (1979) 20 Report Montreal News: Yale Universit
你为自己太胖而发愁吗?你想减肥吗?这里我从节食的角度上解答一些疑问,希望能帮助你掉几斤肉! 1、有人说,一日三餐中,少吃一二顿饭,这是减肥的好办法。 不对。许多节制饮食
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