The development strategy of private express enterprise based on competitiveness analysis

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  Abstract. With the development of international trade and e-commerce, enterprise and individual's demand for express service is growing with each passing day, the private express delivery enterprises entered the fast lane of development. Although the express industry has a strong market demand, but the private express enterprises are facing the competition from state -owned EMS, foreign giants and other expressenterprise. In the fierce competitive environ–ment, it's crucial to improve their ability to compete.Considering the basic characteristics of express industry, build the competitiveness index system, and focus on theservice, price, time, the size of the market in four aspects of express enterprise to evaluate competitiveness, finally puts forward some suggestions for the cultivation of private express enterprise competitiveness.
  Keywords: Competitiveness; Competitiveness index system; private express delivery enterprises; development strategy
  1 Analysis of express industry status
  Although the express industry started relatively late in China, but it develops very rapidly. According to statistics, as of 2014 August, express business has 42 months of year-on-year average growth of more than 50%, the scale of business in the top of the world.This year 1 to August, the courier service business volume totaled 8.16 billion, grow 52.7% compared to the same period; business revenue totaled 123 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 42.3%.
  1.1 Express market competition pattern
  According to the China Electronic Commerce Research Center data show that within the territory of China engaged in express business of state-owned, private and foreign-funded enterprises has reached more than 8000, international express business also has more than 150, has formed a diversified pattern of competition.
  1.2 The express industry "three or four rules"
  According to the China Electronic Commerce Research Center statistics, at present, China's private enterprises are still the "main force" in domestic express delivery market, the market share of up to 78.9%, the state-owned postal only 19.9%, the foreign only 1.2%.
  However, the courier industry has a interesting phenomenon ——"three or four rules". According to statistics, the annual revenue amount of express enterprises are arranged, were the top three, post EMS, SF, China Railway Express Co.Ltd(CRE). This shows that the top ranked EMS market share is four times the third echelon enterprise market share.   2.1 Effects of factors
  Competitiveness is the decisive force for the survival and development of enterprises, different industries and different enterprises have the different forms. When we analysis the influence factors of express enterprise competitiveness, both consider the characteristics of express enterprises and the competition situation.
  This paper mainly has a comprehensive evaluation of express enterprises' competitiveness from eight aspects, such as market scale, the service level, the scale of the network, security level, information level, aging level, special service, the price level of competitiveness, it is more precise and take the enterprise's own strength and the level of service into consideration together.
  2.2 The construction of the framework of index system
  3 Small express enterprise competitiveness analysis
  and contrast
  Considering the data availability, this text only chooses four core indicators as the basis, such as market scale, the service level, the scale of the network, the price level of, use SF, STO, Yun- daex as the representative of the private express delivery enterprises contrast to the state EMS, Foreign UPS, DHL and so on.
  3.1 comparison of the size of market
  We can learn that only from the point of view on market share, the private express delivery enterprises occupy a large number of share, foreign-funded enterprises accounted for more than few, the future market is mainly controlled by numerous private enterprises. Although private express enterprises' total market share is very large, the number of the large and small private express enterprises more than 8000, individual enterprises' business volume is very little except SF, STO, Yundaex. To sum up, from the individual angle, small and medium private express enterprise's strength is very small, it is difficult to shake the EMS and foreign giants.
  3.2 Comparison of network range
  Express company must establish and improve the network of institutions, so that they can extend the service to the business area. Perfect network layout can greatly improve the turnover rate and the safety coefficient of the goods.
  EMS has the most extensive coverage, we can see their network construction among global 220 countries and regions, and deep into the Chinese the township area. EMS has 9 private aircraft and more than 10000 vehicles, it can deal with 500000 pieces of postal every day.   DHL covers the global 228 countries and regions, and more than 50 cities in China. It's capable of processing 440 tons of mail parcels every day.
  SF covering the Hong Kong and Macao and Mainland China, South Korea, Singapore, 5000 branches, 150 transfer stations, to reach 200 large and medium cities in the mainland, 900 county-level cities, with more than 30 aircraft, more than 1 vehicles, daily processing capacity of 15000000 pieces.
  Yundaex has more than 1900 outlets in China, 32 transfer stations, county-level cities can basically reach above the level of cities and developed areas, the Department has more than 3000 vehicles, daily processing capacity of 100000 pieces.
  From the analysis, we can lean that the post has the absolute advantage on network.and almost without a rival in the domestic market. The foreign capital enterprise's global network is very developed, but the domestic network is not perfect. Therefore, in the face of post and the competition of foreign capital to continue to improve its network infrastructure is the best choice of private express delivery enterprises.
  3.3 Comparison of service level
  The level of Express enterprise's service can reflects the competitiveness of express enterprises to a great extent. We often take express enterprise complaint rate and complaint handling satisfaction rate to measure competitiveness.
  We can learn from Figure 3, the foreign capital express DHL and UPS complaint rate is low, the post express complaint rate is higher. As the representative of private express delivery enterprises, Yundaex and STO complaints rate was the highest. Thus, the private delivery enterprises need to strengthen it.
  3.4 Comparison of of the price level
  4 The development strategy of small and medium
  enterprises express
  4.1 according to customer needs, provide personalized service
  As in the previous analysis we can conclude that, compared with the EMS, foreign enterprises, private express delivery companies do not occupy a prominent advantage in the market scale, the scale of the network, service level, price level aspects. Therefore, by providing personalized services to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of its own is a good choice. As the logistics service is divided into different levels, the same items can let consumer according to own demand, choose the "day" "next day" "three days" "week up" and so on, according to the consumption of individualized logistics needs, provide personalized service. Jingdong express according to the customer demand has launched the "211 the limit of", "next day", "speed up", "the night with", "self mention cabinets", has achieved good response.   4.2 Implementate differentiation strategy, grasp the market segments
  With the development of express industry ,competition is more and more intense and the market has saturation state. Therefore, express delivery enterprises must implement differentiation strategy, aimed at fractionize market. Differentiation strategy is mainly reflected in the different positioning difference and service two aspects. The positioning of the difference is provided with different industry competition of service and service level for the customer, and the difference in service is to provide different services for different levels of customers. Although the market of express basic has been split, but the conventional market segments of the market can not be ignored, such as the third party logistics warehouse sorting technology, IT system development and so on, these markets are very substantial profits. Express industry, but the tip of the iceberg, there are a lot of extending the industry is worth digging.
  4.3 To strengthen cooperation and implementate of strategic alliances
  Only from the perspective of market share , the private express enterprise market share reached 78.9%, the state-owned postal service only occupy 19.9%, and foreign share of only 1.2%. However, private express a large number of enterprises, there is a big gap between individual enterprises and EMS and the foreign capital express. Obviously, go it alone with the state-owned postal and foreign giants is tantamount to throwing. Although the EMS and the foreign capital express have abundant funds, advanced management, after ten years of rapid development the private express enterprise also has its own unique advantages. For example, private express have a strong competitive advantage in the domestic express, regional express, city express, and the network construction is the basic molding. But it is difficult for private express to be strong just rely on its own strength and seek power come from internal,only by strengthening cooperation between enterprises, the implementation of strategic alliances, complementary advantages, to enhance their own competitiveness.
  4.4 pay attention to customer service, improve the satisfaction rate
  A very important aspect of express enterprises is the level of service. Service level contains the overall quality of the customer service center's service level and courier two aspects. Firstly, private express enterprise should improve customer service level and solve customer inquiries and complaints from the demand properly. Secondly, through training and unified management to improve the comprehensive quality of the courier.The courier behave on behalf of the corporate image, and many private enterprises Express Couriers quality is relatively low, so that part of courier service attitude is bad, causing extreme dissatisfaction of customers, which will undoubtedly greatly weakened the competitiveness of enterprises.   Acknowledgments
  This work was financially supported by Connotation construction projects of Shanghai University of Engineering Science (Project No.: nhky-2014-16)and Scientific research innovation Program of Shanghai University of Engineering Science(E1-0903-14-01086).
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美制改进型超声速哈姆反辐射导弹开始试飞    8月3日,美ATK公司已经开始了改进型“哈姆”反辐射导弹(AGM-88E)的飞行试验,其目的是提高这种超声速导弹的攻击能力。该弹的主要改进之处是在“哈姆”导弹上加装了毫米波(MMW)末制导导引头、数字式反辐射寻的(ARH)接收机和全球卫星定位(GPS)系统,其中ARH和GPS可使导弹在发射前探测并确定目标发射机的位置,MMW则可保证即便目标发射机关机,
油价自2009年7月以来首次跌至每桶60美元以下。这给俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京带来巨大问题。每桶低于60美元的价格已是5年来最低位,是6个月前每桶115美元的近一半。这极大影响了俄罗斯的财政能力—油气占俄罗斯出口约四分之三左右,占俄罗斯政府预算收入的一半以上。  俄罗斯正滑向一场金融危机,卢布汇率已灾难性下跌逾50%。为保卫卢布,俄罗斯政府已经斥资超过800亿美元,而俄罗斯央行也已经五次加息。卢
这注定是一场艰难而漫长的战役。  进入2014年以来,俄罗斯卢布兑美元汇率持续走低,截至2014年底已贬值约40%。同时,俄经济亦遭受重挫,普京政府预计2015年该国GDP增速将萎缩0.8%,而摩根大通更将萎缩值下调至3.3%。显然,俄罗斯经济正面临又一艰难时刻。  事实上,自2013年以来俄罗斯增长就有所放缓,而随着俄乌边境争端冲突的不断升级,俄罗斯更招致西方联合制裁,从而导致该国企业经营困难,
福陆公司已连续第二年稳坐全球油气工程建设领域的头把交椅,且过去一年销售增长率远超业内平均增速(3%)。美银美林(BofA Merrill)分析认为,随着近年来北美能源再度复兴,福陆未来仍有较大增长空间。风险在于,全球经济当前回暖趋缓,这将导致行业工程量下降,而该公司固定合同项目利润也会因成本上涨而出现下滑。与此同时,潜在的法律诉讼也令公司未来蒙上阴影。  受益于国内投资持续增加,中国化学以99.7
Abstract. Economic Value Added, referred to as EVA, also known as economic value added, in the early 1990s, in order to adapt to dramatic changes in the business environment, the U.S. consulting firm