固原地区地处宁夏南部山区,属黄河中游黄土高原丘陵沟壑区,自然条件恶劣,十年九旱,水土流失严重。是全国最贫困的少数民族地区之一,退耕还林还草已成为固原地区最具代表性、广泛性和典型性的生态建设工程。 1.抓好“退”的环节。落实组织机构,地、县、乡逐级成立了领导机构,设立办公室,并抽调专人负责日常工作。落实目标责任制,明确第一责任人,签订目标责任书,层层签订责任状,实行行政领导负责制。利用各种形式,广泛宣传动员,大力宣
Guyuan region is located in the southern mountainous Ningxia, belonging to the hilly and gully region of the Loess Plateau in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. The natural conditions are poor. Nine years of drought and severe soil erosion have occurred. It is one of the poorest ethnic minority areas in the country. Returning farmland to forests and pastures has become the most representative, extensive and typical ecological construction project in the Guyuan area. 1. Do a good job “back” of the link. The implementation of organizational structures, prefectures, counties, township level by level set up a leading agency, set up offices, and deployment of special staff in charge of daily work. Implementation of the target responsibility system, a clear first person in charge, signed the responsibility statement, signed a layer of responsibility, executive leadership responsibility system. Use various forms, widely publicize and mobilize vigorously