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“引硫济金”工程是金昌市为解决工业和城市生活用水,缓解农业用水而实施的一项跨流域调水工程。即从青海省门源县境内的黄河支流硫磺沟调水,穿越祁连山分水岭冷龙岭将水调入永昌县西大河水库,再通过渠道和管道引入市区。总投资1.98亿元。金昌市是我国最大的镍钴生产基地和铂族贵金属提炼中心,同时也是全省重要的商品粮生产基地,现状用水量已达8.18亿立方米。然而,金昌市水资源总量仅6.3亿立方米,水量缺口1.9亿立方米,是全国108个缺水城市之一,在36个严重缺水城市中,金昌也名列其中。缺水,一直是制约金昌市工农业发展的一个重要因素。早在 “Sulfur relief gold ” project is Jinchang City, to solve the industrial and urban water use, ease the implementation of agricultural water and an inter-basin water transfer project. That is, it diverted water from the sulfur channel of the Yellow River tributary in Mengyuan County of Qinghai Province to the Xidahe Reservoir in Yongchang County across the Lenglongling watershed of the Qilian Mountains and then into the urban area through channels and pipelines. The total investment of 198 million yuan. Jinchang City is China’s largest nickel and cobalt production base and the platinum group precious metal refining center, but also the province’s important commodity grain production base, the current water consumption has reached 818 million cubic meters. However, the total water resources of Jinchang City is only 630 million cubic meters, with a water shortage of 190 million cubic meters. It is one of the 108 water-deficient cities in the country. Jinchang is also among the 36 water-scarce cities. Water shortage has always been an important factor restricting the development of industry and agriculture in Jinchang City. already
研制了内河中小型船用柴油机气阀磨削装置 ,优化了气阀磨削工艺 ,并对多种柴油机的进、排气阀进行磨削修复。检测表明 ,气阀锥面角准确 ,表面粗糙度可稳定达到Ra0 .4~ 0 .8μm
丁肇中教授是蜚声全球的物理学大师。二○○○年六月,他第二次回到故乡山东省日照市。一 Professor Ding Zhaozhong is a world renowned master of physics. In June 2000
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