要问世界上最豪华的交通工具是什么,很多人都会异口同声地说:“船的话,当属伊丽莎白女王二世号,而火车则是名不虚传的东方快车。” 1883年10月4日,争相一睹世界上最豪华的列车——东方快车的风采的人们,云集巴黎的斯特拉斯堡火车站(现在的东站)。那深蓝色底镶金色条纹的车身在阳光照耀下熠熠生辉,顷刻迷倒了世人。它就是巴黎——君士坦丁堡(现在的伊斯坦布尔)的超级豪华卧铺车。
To ask what is the most luxurious vehicle in the world, many people would say in unison: “Queen Elizabeth II was the ship, and the train was a delightful Oriental Express.” October 4, 1883 See the world’s most luxurious train - the oriental express style of the people, gathered in Paris, Strasbourg railway station (now east station). That deep blue at the end of the gold striped body shine in the sunshine, instantly lost the world. It is the super luxury sleeper car in Paris - Constantinople (now Istanbul).