After his publication in 1913, H. Heumann promoted the development of rim-oriented science. He has published many valuable research results and has thus overcome many of the problems in the design of the British rail vehicle’s runway and has also produced the use of several cross-sectional shapes of the wheel hub to study the behavior of the vehicle on the orbit Economic aspirations. Referring to Figure 1, it can be seen that there is some mismatch between rail and tire profile. The rim has a taper of 1:20 or about 2 ° 50 ’while the rails make a 1:20 slope on the vertical plane. The rim taper extends to the radius of the root flange of the rim, making it possible for the wheel to contact the rail at two points A and A_1 at the same time; point A is the point of load support and A_1 is the guide point.