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  "When I arrived in Chongqing to perform my duties in 2016, I immediately fell in love with this charming city of mountains and rivers." Having stayed here for over four years, I've not only harvested work results, but also precious friendship. Now Chongqing has become my second hometown."
  On August 14, 2020,  Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing hosted the Hungarian National Day and the 10th Anniversary of the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing and the farewell reception for the departure of Consul General Dióssi Lóránd. Li Bo, Deputy Mayor of Chongqing, attended the event, awarded Consul General Dióssi Lóránd the “Chongqing Friendship Envoy Certificate”, applauded and thanked Consul General Dióssi Lóránd for his outstanding contributions to promote Hungary-Chongqing exchanges and cooperation in economy, trade, technology, logistics, culture, education, tourism and other fields, and wished Consul General Dióssi Lóránd smoothness and new successes on his new post.
  August 20 marks the Hungarian National Day, which is also known as "St. Stephen's Day" to commemorate Stephen I, the founder and first king of Hungary. To celebrate the Hungarian National Day and the 10th Anniversary of the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing, with the strong support of Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, Foreign Affairs Office of Yuzhong District Government and Urban Administration Bureau of Yuzhong District, the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing held a lighting ceremony on the external wall of the HNA-Poly International Center (HCC) in Yuzhong District from 20:00 to 21:00. On August 20 local time, Hungarian media also covered this commemorative lighting show of Chongqing, witnessing and blessing the ever-lasting friendship between China and Hungary.   The lighting assumed the shape of the flying Hungarian flag on the external wall of the building, and presented greetings to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing. In particular, the Consulate General expressed its lingering gratitude to Consul General Dióssi Lóránd for his contributions to the friendship between Chongqing and Hungary with lighting words "Welcome Consul General Dióssi Lóránd to come back to Chinese hometown Chongqing often".
  In February 2010, the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing opened. Over the past 10 years, under the leadership of successive consuls general, the Hungarian Consulate General has established extensive amicable and cooperative ties with all walks of life in Chongqing. Mr. Dióssi Lóránd served as the fourth Consul General of the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing after his arrival in March 2016. During his term, he arranged a series of enriched events in Chongqing with great enthusiasm, and promoted all-round exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and Hungary in the fields of high-level mutual visits, personnel exchanges, high-tech innovation, transportation and logistics, culture and education, and attained remarkable achievements.
  Mr. Dióssi Lóránd was filled with emotion in the farewell reception for his departure. Having revisited his fond memories in Chongqing with deep feelings, spoken highly of the major contributions made by the relevant departments of Chongqing Municipal Government, districts and counties, foreign affairs offices of all provinces and cities under the consular district and friends from all walks of life in the development of Hungary-China relations, he also expressed his gratitude to all parties for their support for his work and the work of the Consulate General. "Chongqing is awesome, I give Chongqing thumb up (xiong qi)!" said Mr. Dióssi Lóránd with a Chongqing dialect, expressing his profound friendship for Chongqing. He added that no matter where he goes in the future, he would keep telling Chongqing stories well.
  "Ten years ago, the Hungarian government made a wise decision to open a Consulate General in Chongqing. Under the leadership of successive consuls general, the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing has established extensive friendly cooperation ties with all circles of society in Chongqing. The two sides have jointly built a bridge of friendship, cooperation and development." said Mr. Zhang Yongwu, Director-General of Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office. He also fervently commended the fruitful achievements made by the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing in promoting Hungary-Chongqing exchanges and cooperation and hoped that Consul General Dióssi Lóránd would remember, care about and support Chongqing wherever he goes in the future. Chongqing, on the other hand, will also continue driving cooperation with Hungary in various fields and scale new heights.
8月28日至30日,“博鳌国际康养文旅论坛2020年金佛山峰会”在南川金佛山举行。本次峰会由重庆市文化和旅游委、博鳌国际康养文旅论坛组委会、南川区人民政府共同主办。峰会主题为“疫情背景下,康养文旅产业的机遇、創新与发展”。博鳌国际康养文旅论坛作为康养文旅产业领域的国际高端交流合作平台,每年在博鳌亚洲论坛国际会议中心举办年会,在境内外其他城市选择性地举办峰会。  From August 28 to
绿叶掩映,蝉鸣阵阵,手中的冰可乐凝着水汽,小风扇挂在脖子上仿佛就拥有了整个夏天。  连日晴好的高温天气带来“意外之喜”—8月的重庆收获晴空万里一片蓝。  白云升远岫,摇曳入晴空。山城的天空随手一拍,都像开了“美颜”滤镜,朋友圈闪耀着城市的高光时刻。  凌晨5點的重庆,是静谧之城。漫反射光照射在城市建筑,蓝蓝的色调,带给人们难得的夏季清凉感。  在高山之巅、大江之畔、摩天楼上,光线明暗交错,白云点缀
9月15日,2020线上智博会开幕式暨大数据智能化高峰会举行。高峰会上,20位海内外重要嘉宾围绕大数据智能化,以线上或线下的方式,发表演讲、晒出真知灼见,发布新品、展示前沿科技。  他们中既有诺贝尔奖、图灵奖得主,也有中国工程院院士和知名高校的专家学者,还有来自国内外数字经济头部企业的业界翘楚。他们一起“碰撞”智慧,分享观点,用一波接一波的“头脑风暴”,将2020线上智博会推向高潮。   智@产业
松山智一 1976年出生于日本东京,现居纽约。多元文化的经历是松山智一艺术不可或缺的一部分,其作品同时具有古典与现代气息,兼具装饰性与概念性。他在东京、洛杉矶、纽约、迈阿密、中国香港等地创作过大型公共装置雕塑和壁画。其作品被旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆、洛杉矶郡立美术馆、阿拉伯联合酋长国王室等收藏。  真实与迷幻、冰冷与温暖、抽象与具体、现代都市与自然气息……很难想象这些矛盾的感受会来自同一个展览。而无论
9月16日,2020线上智博会举行重庆文旅大数据发布会,发布《川渝两地旅游口碑大数据报告》《2020年暑期旅游大数据报告》。  川渝网红打卡地TOP1  重庆两江夜景游 & 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地  重庆市文化和旅游数据中心主任刘雪峰介绍,《川渝两地旅游口碑大数据分析报告》(以下简称:《报告》)依托成渝地区双城经济圈建设及协同打造巴蜀文化旅游走廊为大背景,通过旅游口碑系统全网数据,收集分析大众点评
7月21日,重庆“2020年上半年重庆市经济运行情况”新闻发布会通报称,上半年,全市GDP同比增长0.8%,比全国同期增速高出2.4个百分点。  不仅增速由负转正,增长的绝对量也引人注目。重庆一季度GDP为4987.66亿元,上半年GDP为11209.83亿元,这意味着二季度重庆GDP增加量超过6200亿元。  “总体来看,上半年全市经济逐步克服疫情影响,经济运行呈稳步复苏态势,发展韧性和活力进一
匈牙利是最早与新中国建交的国家之一,也是第一个参与“一带一路”倡议并签署谅解备忘录的欧盟国家。匈牙利政府的“向东开放”政策与中国政府的“一带一路”倡议高度契合。在并肩走过的71年里,中匈两国人民建立了深厚的友谊。目前,匈牙利是唯一在重庆设立总领事馆的中东欧国家,是重庆通往中东欧国家的窗口和门户。  10年来,双方坚持推动友好交往,重庆与匈牙利高层互访频繁,各领域代表团互访考察,洽谈合作,成效显著。
重庆有很多步道,既保持了山城特色,又融入了现代元素,它们串联起历史文化与现代景观,形成了独特的风景线。  渝中区人和街枣子岚垭一巷,有一段“时光里·枣子岚垭步道”,连接枣子岚垭正街和中山二路,共有288级台阶,用现代的装饰艺术“浓墨重彩”地还原了老山城的韵味。  盛夏时节,郁郁葱葱的枝叶在空中编织成“绿伞”,给小巷增添了凉意。伴着此起彼伏的蝉鸣,拾阶而上,山城慢时光油然而来。  小巷地面和墙面由敲