
来源 :中国统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dljx1234
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社区建设是一个新生事物,加强社 区建设是落实“三个代表”重要思想,推进基层政权建设的重要内容。社区建设起步早、进展好的无锡地区,为了解群众对社区建设的意见要求及社区工作者的心声,于20O3年3月,对市区81个社居委、4000户居民家庭进行了历时3个月的“城市社区建设”的调查,由此可窥见我国“城市社区建设”的现状。 Community building is a new thing. Strengthening community building is an important part of implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and promoting the building of grassroots political power. In order to understand the masses’ opinions on community construction and the voices of community workers, the construction of the community started early and made good progress. In March 2003, 81 community residents committees and 4,000 households in urban areas were dwelt for 3 Months of “urban community building” survey, which can be glimpsed China’s “urban community building” status quo.
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燥热8月,带你走入糖果怪兽的“简单”世界,在这她用吟唱演绎他们的单纯、他们的迷惑……这就是他们的世界“简单的你,简单的我,简单的我们,所谓的简单,像个孩子……” It’s
为加强对中药材在流通领域中的监督管理 ,我省对易混淆中药材品种进行了重点监督抽验 ,从监督抽验情况看 ,中药材在部分经营单位和医疗使用单位仍有混用现象 ,其中以桑寄生与